Canadians check in here....

I found this for you, wish you luck

Trevor MacDonald

P.O. Box 31 Murray River

Prince Edward Island, Canada COA1WO

Phone: 902-962-3307 Email: [email protected]

Varieties: Golden & Silver Spangled, Black and White in large fowl. Silver Spangled in bantam

Will sell adults and fertile eggs, will ship in Canada only.
AWESOME!! YAY I will forward this awhile!
Hi LauraAnn

Welcome from Prince Edward Island -- on the other side of Canada. I will have heritage chicks (silver pencilled Plymouth Rocks), but you will be able to get some heritage chicks much closer to you in BC. If you don't find a contact here, try the Poultry Swap Ontario website, or the Alberta Chickens website.

Good luck!
LOL I should have read this entire page!! You are on the Island with the girl we are looking to get eggs for!!! YAY!!!
Hi thanks everyone, I have already found my birds in 1 day amazing! We will have heritage columbian rocks and buff orpingtons. Still hoping for some americaunas
(Update) we have now ordered the amaracaunas we will have a grand total of 12 hens!! Yea... Four of each breed. Now to start work on the hen house
I'm near Merrickville, ON. Looking for pullets, preferably Rhode Island reds or barred rocks.
Maybe you will find what you are looking for if you check out there are breeder listings in the Forum section, and also a list of Canadian hatcheries. I think Frey's offers started poultry, but I am not sure which breeds. You could also try If you contact them, they may be able to help you to locate a breeder.
Or try searching the Kijiji Ottawa/Gatineau ads regularly: I have seen a few ads there recently for both Plymouth Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. Another suggestion would be to go to one the area bird auctions (e.g.,Vernon or Spencerville) this spring, if you aren't in a rush to get them right away.
I actually picked up some red and black sex-links from a chicken farmer not too far from me for a great deal as he was getting too many eggs for his liking.
I've got 3 already, and I'm going to pick up another 3 this week. Pretty cheap startup.
I actually picked up some red and black sex-links from a chicken farmer not too far from me for a great deal as he was getting too many eggs for his liking.
I've got 3 already, and I'm going to pick up another 3 this week. Pretty cheap startup.
Glad you found what you were looking for. Have fun with your chickens!
Too many eggs? Is there such a thing?

I don't have chickens yet, and the flock on a farm "down the road" where I bought them from last year doesn't generate enough winter eggs to sell - only enough for their own consumption - so I am on the lookout for another source of free-range eggs, at least until egg production goes up at my local source in the spring .

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