Canadians check in here....

I have 7 chickens that are a year old raised together as day olds. Three barred rocks and four RIR's. I would like to add a few australorps around the same age. Will this be impossible? I only have one coop. I could make a quarantined area with chicken wire and a temporary shelter but is it ok for them to be that close to each other?

In my experience safe happy integration takes lots of time. But others may have different experiences. Certainly partition the coop and run so they can see each other but not get together. Keep it like that a month? Then see if they can get along with each other? Do they free range? If so that makes it a little easier because the picked on ones can get away and hide and the bullies will lose interest after running any distance. Hopefully.
Ok. Thanks for advice. They are in a large run. I have started leaving the door open so they can free range while we are home and can keep an eye on them. In the process of fencing in a large portion of yard so they can be out as they wish. They won't come out. I carry them out and they run back in. Lol
whats a large run?

40 feet long and 6 wide run attached to a 6x8 coop = how many hens is this good for? with a few roosters?
They look great!!  :thumbsup

What breeds are they??

They are mixed. Australorp/comet are the brown/black ones. I have no idea what the white ones are and I think but not 100% that the black with gray down the neck are Australorps. I got them from my aunt and her birds are free range so it was from whoever was feeling frisky that morning lol
Hello I'm from,west Quebec, have two hens and a rooster got them two weeks ago, I'm getting two day old Easter eggers tomorrow, and we have on June 25th 10 meat hens 2 turkeys 5 layers and one pullet coming but I've been told that a buff something is what I want anyone know where I can get that and also I'm looking for natural pesticides, and parasite control ideas such as certain herbs, and I'm looking for organic treats and food to give with the lay mesh to give them the best health and egg production I can I'd love any info sent my way thank you , I've been posting on the other site then someone sent me here to the Canadian site, so fellow Canucks' I'd love your help, thanks
Hello I'm from,west Quebec, have two hens and a rooster got them two weeks ago, I'm getting two day old Easter eggers tomorrow, and we have on June 25th 10 meat hens 2 turkeys 5 layers and one pullet coming but I've been told that a buff something is what I want anyone know where I can get that and also I'm looking for natural pesticides, and parasite control ideas such as certain herbs, and I'm looking for organic treats and food to give with the lay mesh to give them the best health and egg production I can I'd love any info sent my way thank you , I've been posting on the other site then someone sent me here to the Canadian site, so fellow Canucks' I'd love your help, thanks

There's a great thread called Natural Chicken Keeping that is chock full of great ideas along those lines. Is that what you were on? Anyway, welcome welcome from fellow Canadians!

It is starting to feel like spring.

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