Candling Question?


10 Years
Mar 1, 2009
Upstate NY
My first batch of eggs is at like Day 8 1/2, LOL I just couldn't wait til day 10, so I just candled one to see. I used a flashlight, should I put a piece of fabric or something over it with a hole?

I first did a fridge egg, so I could see the difference. My incubator egg has a dark blob, it looks like its on one side though, not the middle.

Is that a viable egg? I am assuming that means its fertile, right? Yay, my Roo is fertile!

This is our "practice" batch before I buy "real" eggs! I have already decided it is way too small, I could only fit 31 eggs in there!
i just cup my hand around my small flash light. I tried to make a candler out of an old oatmeal container w/hole cut in bottom (about the size of a quarter), but I found my hand worked better.
Can you see the blob move? If not check it again in a day or two. My eggs are dark brown and I had to wait till day 10 to be able to really see much. At day 13 I could finaly see the veining. Good luck!
I have some that look like they are more on the side, and 2 that I think are more in the middle. On those I have to spend a few min looking at them to see it. I think they are playing hide and seek
I would leave it in and check again in a day or two. You should have an easier time seeing if it moves and the veins. Some of mine wont move right away, but if I just keep watching they will.
Good Luck!
Okay, I took another one out to see. I'm going to have to sit on my hands to keep from opening it up to keep checking!

This one def had a small moving blob. I almost missed it, man, it was quick!

This egg is in the carton, the other one is on its side. I wonder if that makes a difference? I started out with all on their sides, but it was a pain to turn them, so I moved all to cartons, except Blobby Egg, which wouldn't fit. I guess since it is fertile, its my test egg to test the different hatch method?

Fingers crossed for me that I don't mess this up! I even have a hen outside who I think *may* be going broody. She has a nest with like 8 eggs on it, she isn't sitting yet. I'd incubate those if only I had another bator to put them in!

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