Canning and Home preserving

Yes on the butter. I make Ghee its a further step in Clarifying butter and easier to do. It s milk solids and water that contaminate the ghee.

You put the butter in a deep pot and set the temperature so it just bubbles every once and a while. The milk solids will float up then settle down and begin to brown on the bottom of the pan. The beauty of Ghee is as they brown they flavor the milk fat to a nutty flavor. So you can make it as flavorful as you want.

The smoke point on Ghee is high enough you can deep fry in it. It has a different flavor when spread on bread for morning toast. Very unctious but something you have to get used to if you are going to use it that way.

Its best used in Rice or Baking. I litterally burned my first try at it. Smelled good though so I went through the steps to filter out the milk solids (I have since learned an easier way). It was like coffee when I put it in my storage container. but when it cooled it was much much lighter and a kind of shade of grey white. OH MY GAWD was it good. it tasted almost like caramel. it was awesome over popcorn with a teeny bit of sugar sprinkled on.

It would have been most excellent to cooke peanuts in with a bit of sugar sprinkled on. I used it mostly to cook shrimp and veggies. And yes it does keep at room temperature a very very very long time. I still have about a tablespoon of it left in the jar and It has not gone rancid. At two years old.

Key is use a clean spoon Every time. and keep the jar covered at all times.

I spoke to someone in the link for food preservation research. They adamntly told me NOT to can Butter. But logic dictated to Pressure can it for the same amount of time as meat. I have four one pint jars of Ghee on the countertop. they have never been opened nor have they been pressure canned.

Oh and for the record one pound of butter yields a little less than a pound of Ghee. So Easily fits in a 1 pint jar, one inch of head space.

I am advocating Canning butter. But I am personally leaning toward some of the "Rebel Canning" techniques. So if I share a recipe Please understand I am not advocating using it.

Oh and Vinegar is the way to go for wiping rims. If you have hard water some people put it in the canner to reduce hard-water scale on the jars. But Most canners are aluminum. And aluminum is a reactive vessel so Vinegar leaches out some of the aluminum.

I would rather give the whole jar a rinse with either soap and water or a vinegar solution after the jars have cooled. Takes the hard water scale right off. As well as any oils that have siphoned off your product and into the water.

I have been buying refill gallons of water from the grocery store for my canning needs- both for the pot and for liquid in the jar. The store is reverse osmosis and UV, I think. At $0.39 a gallon, it is worth it to me not to use our well water. Not only is our well water hard, it also contains high metal content. We have a whole house metal filter which works great at removing the iron, plus we have a reverse osmosis tank and spout for drinking water at the kitchen sink, but the amount of water I use when canning would burn through the 3 filters for the reverse osmosis pretty fast and they are a little pricey. And, it is only a gallon reservoir so it takes a long time to refill.
My mom always wiped her jars down with vinegar before putting them in the canning cupboard. So I do the same.
Everything has been in short supply around here!
I use the low sugar Sure-Jell, the one in the pink boxes, and finally a neighbor found some for me at Kroger last week. EVERY normal store supply has been out for over a month! She's been looking for regular lids, and found some with rings finally, same day.
We have enough jars, and lids, for now, but i agree, it's amazing how short all these supplies have been this summer!
Amazon had the pink Sure-Jell boxes, for over double the price. NO WAY!
Everything has been in short supply around here!
I use the low sugar Sure-Jell, the one in the pink boxes, and finally a neighbor found some for me at Kroger last week. EVERY normal store supply has been out for over a month! She's been looking for regular lids, and found some with rings finally, same day.
We have enough jars, and lids, for now, but i agree, it's amazing how short all these supplies have been this summer!
Amazon had the pink Sure-Jell boxes, for over double the price. NO WAY!
I buy canning supplies out of season. In canning season there always seems to be a run on needed items from jars to lids to pickling spices, etc. This year is worse than normal.
I was in the basement gathering quart jars for canning tomatoes. I discovered that I don't have as many quart jars as I thought, and most of the ones that I do have are wide mouth. I am not sure how many new wide-mouth lids I have, hope it is enough because the stores around here are completely bare of lids. My only other option would be to buy jars with rings and lids.
I need to start making crafts with rings, I have plenty of those laying around, lol.

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