Canning and Home preserving

Thank you! I bookmarked it. I love Ina Garten's recipes!

I've been making it for the past few years now. My phyllo never looks like hers, but it doesn't really matter. The inside filliing is delicious, and you can't screw up butter-soaked phyllo too bad (as long as it's not burnt). Last time I made it, I cut about 3 huge slices from it and froze them. My DH will pull out a slice when he has a hankering for spinach pie.
I know right!!!!

I stick mine in the microwave (aka dog proof space)


Food left on the counter here for more than 3 minutes is considered fair game by 3 of the dogs. :hmm
This dog got food from the counter once. He has not done it since. I have never had a cat on my counters either.

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