Canning and Home preserving

Prime rib sounds delicious! DH and I went out for an early dinner to a nice restaurant. Treated myself to bison filet. It was melt-in-your-mouth delicious.
Where I live you don't have to go to a restaurant to eat Bison, you just go shoot one if they are found on public land. Don't even need a tag for them. DH a 2 friends found some a few years back. Each of them took one. We had well over 500 lbs of bison in our freezer. Pretty awesome eating for a couple of years.
Where I live you don't have to go to a restaurant to eat Bison, you just go shoot one if they are found on public land. Don't even need a tag for them. DH a 2 friends found some a few years back. Each of them took one. We had well over 500 lbs of bison in our freezer. Pretty awesome eating for a couple of years.

I'm not a big bison-eater. Didn't like the (probably mass-produced) taste of the ground bison that I bought at the store. BUT, that bison filet last night was heavenly! Had it at a local restaurant and the owner has a nearby bison farm. Sadly, we can't buy meat directly from the farm. :( Not sure where I can buy the same high-quality and fresh bison. Hmm, perhaps drive to Colorado? :D
I'm not a big bison-eater. Didn't like the (probably mass-produced) taste of the ground bison that I bought at the store. BUT, that bison filet last night was heavenly! Had it at a local restaurant and the owner has a nearby bison farm. Sadly, we can't buy meat directly from the farm. :( Not sure where I can buy the same high-quality and fresh bison. Hmm, perhaps drive to Colorado? :D

The steaks and roasts were amazing, but to honest I did not care for the taste of the ground meat either. Just the smell of it cooking turned my stomach. Not sure why that was though.
Bison in Colorado are not a wild game that we normally have here. They cross over the state line from Utah, so it's a rare occasion that you spot one and can shoot it. They do have farms here where they charge you big bucks to go into a field pick the one you want and shoot it. I think that's cruel.
The steaks and roasts were amazing, but to honest I did not care for the taste of the ground meat either. Just the smell of it cooking turned my stomach. Not sure why that was though.
Bison in Colorado are not a wild game that we normally have here. They cross over the state line from Utah, so it's a rare occasion that you spot one and can shoot it. They do have farms here where they charge you big bucks to go into a field pick the one you want and shoot it. I think that's cruel.

I have a friend who loves ground bison, but I think she might order it from Omaha Steaks (at about $14/lb for 4 of them).
I like my spinach best raw. I’m OK with it on a pizza and in scrambled eggs. The worst thing is canned spinach :sick. When I cooked at our local nursing home, we’d serve that every now and then. It reminded me of lake algae, and I always felt bad putting it on their plates.
When I was a kid my babysitter forced me to eat spinach and I puked all over her :lau It was canned too
Do you want to try Tomato Jam? I'm happy to post the recipe.

BTW, how is everyone copying recipes in posts? C&P?
Yes please!

I'm going to have a garden that is mainly for salsa, but I will have a surplus of tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, and herbs. So anything that has that in it, I'll can it :D

I eat a plant-based diet so I believe that canning will really help me in the winter months and colder months when you can't grow anything

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