careful what you wish for - broody - she's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Which ear problem are we talking about? We have so many in this house it's hard to keep track. We have cats that lick dogs ears, dogs that lick cats ears, cats to cats, dogs to dogs, the dogs put at least one new hole in DH's ear lobe a day, Kane trying to get his ears up, and to top it all off, DSD is visiting with her 6 month old chihuahua puppy is who right now hiding in my shirt, because when my pups try to lick his ears, they end up swallowing his whole head. It's my crazy world and I love it.
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My 7 month old chook SILKIEhas just started to brood and as far as we know no rooster in the flock. I am with them alot and I have one red SILKIE whom we cannot ,just yet prove that she has laid an egg as they are not in nest boxes just yet. They have a communal box and of course have dropped eggs in and out of it.we did catch 2 "stealers" but one we saw lay an egg so.......we are wondering what the story is. I know they need to get out of run ,STILL working on coop and 2 runs ,ran out of funds and etc .Ihad to feed by hand fresh veggies and fruit as it appears the broody very rarely removes herself from box. She warns some of the larger to stay out yet lets a couple smaller share.Any suggestions other than get them all moved?
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He's a chocolate chihuahua. I keep telling my dogs that his color is not indicative of his flavor.
Well to my way of thinking if you don't have fertile eggs for her and don't intend to get any for her, it's best to try and break her broodiness, as being broody is hard on their little bodies.
There's a ton of threads on breaking a broody. You can find them by using the search feature at the top of the page.
I have tons of fertile eggs, as in 99% of the eggs I collect are fertile. If Lil' Bit sticks with it for a few days, she'll be getting some eggs.
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I am so hoping for a broody hen soon! This is my first year with adult chickens, and I'd love nothing better than to see a momma hen taking care of little ones!
Well Lil' Bit didn't come out for bread this morning. Bread is her absolute favorite food. Gotta start thinking about which dog kennel I'll use to segregate her I guess. I just gave the preferred kennel away to my DSD.
i gathered up five eggs (thinking everyone had layed for the day) and put them in a favorite nest box. One of my easter eggers got very interested and is now sitting on all five. Thinking though that I had two EE eggs from yesterday on only the one today and maybe she is just laying hers for the day. I need to do some reading up on broody hens and hatching though. The eggs from yesterday would have gotten mighty cold overnite, probably 40 degrees or so. They can hatch if she decides to sit?

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