Carolina Chickenstock Spring 2013

My birds will be NPIP tested and banded when I bring them. They'll be tested for pullorum/typhoid and AI.

Will there be any NC NPIP testers or anything there, to test birds when they come in or make sure the birds there are banded or anything?

BUT I guess whenever one gets their new birds home, you have to do a 30 day quarantine of the new birds. Like you would/should with any new birds you get that don't home from NPIP clean facilities. Just any new birds in general should be quarantined.
Yippeee! My first ChickenStock! WestknollAmy - you and Samantha will have to indoctrinate me beforehand. ;)

I'll be there as vendor (and buyer, but don't tell hubby that) and bringing:

Coronation Sussex - eggs and, hopefully, some chicks
Light Brahma - eggs and chicks
wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana - eggs and chicks (maybe, might be keeping everything I've got right now)
EEs - eggs, chicks, and perhaps a laying hen or two
OE - eggs only and only if the bcm starts laying between now and then

buff cochin - probably eggs only, might have some chicks if someone wants to preorder.

Of course, everything listed above is dependent on the agreement of all my spoiled birds and is not guaranteed. :)
Yippeee!  My first ChickenStock!  WestknollAmy - you and Samantha will have to indoctrinate me beforehand. ;)

I'll be there as vendor (and buyer, but don't tell hubby that) and bringing:

Coronation Sussex - eggs and, hopefully, some chicks
Light Brahma - eggs and chicks
wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana - eggs and chicks (maybe, might be keeping everything I've got right now)
EEs - eggs, chicks, and perhaps a laying hen or two
OE - eggs only and only if the bcm starts laying between now and then

buff cochin - probably eggs only, might have some chicks if someone wants to preorder.

Of course, everything listed above is dependent on the agreement of all my spoiled birds and is not guaranteed. :)

o if your bcm start laying between now and then i want some eggs i'm dying for some oe
Have a quick question,......may be kind of stupid, but I'm a newbie at this.......
Is there any kind of disease control or regulations for vendors bringing birds to this, for sale? I would hate to bring in a new bird to my flock and be bringing in new diseases as well.....

NPIP is something you can look for with buying birds but that only covers stuff that we haven't seen in more than 10 years anyhow. AI is nice but again, seldom seen. The diseases you have to watch for will not be easily noticed. In purchasing from a vendor it is a good idea to look the birds over carefully. Drooping wings and tail, lackluster feathers, matted vent area, crusties around the nostrils or eyes are all signs of unthrifty birds. Steer clear of those.
However, even shiny coated, perky birds could be carrying something as birds are great at hiding illnesses. The sellers may not even know it themselves. I never worry about mites or lice as long as they are not heavily covered in them. Birds bedded on shavings or in any wooden coop may have them and they are easily eradicated from the bird but birds with big mite egg sacks on the feather shafts are usually neglected birds and may have intestinal worms and have many other problems that you will not want to deal with once you get it home. I turned down 2 birds last fall that I dearly wanted but was afraid to bring to my place. Better safe than sorry.

There is no sure way to tell if birds are sick that are looking pretty good and will carry something to your flock so it is best advised that if you purchase any new birds that you take the precaution of isolating them from your other birds for 3-4 weeks and while they are there in isolation you can treat for internal and external parasites.
Yippeee!  My first ChickenStock!  WestknollAmy - you and Samantha will have to indoctrinate me beforehand. ;)

I'll be there as vendor (and buyer, but don't tell hubby that) and bringing:

Coronation Sussex - eggs and, hopefully, some chicks
Light Brahma - eggs and chicks
wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana - eggs and chicks (maybe, might be keeping everything I've got right now)
EEs - eggs, chicks, and perhaps a laying hen or two
OE - eggs only and only if the bcm starts laying between now and then

buff cochin - probably eggs only, might have some chicks if someone wants to preorder.

Of course, everything listed above is dependent on the agreement of all my spoiled birds and is not guaranteed. :)

Girlfriend, we will have so much fun and it will go by so fast that it will take you a week to get over it! You thought the show was fun? This is better!

And blast you for saying buff Cochin! I want to see some photos of your flock (bantam?) because I do believe I may want either hatching eggs or chicks, if available. And I may be interested in OE eggs from your Marans if they are LF. Shoot me some photos! :ya
Girlfriend, we will have so much fun and it will go by so fast that it will take you a week to get over it! You thought the show was fun? This is better!

And blast you for saying buff Cochin! I want to see some photos of your flock (bantam?) because I do believe I may want either hatching eggs or chicks, if available. And I may be interested in OE eggs from your Marans if they are LF. Shoot me some photos!

Samantha has one of my bantam buff cochin chicks. I brought it to her when we went to the goat cheese class...

I don't think they are wonderful show quality cochins - at least not compared to the ones I've seen of yours and Sams. These were "adopted" when my neighbors decided they didn't want chickens anymore and we just got their whole stock - chickens, turkeys, and ducks. LOL But they are cute as can be! I think I have pictures up on my website,, but I'll send you some, too.

The BCM came from Suzanne Bailey and yes, they are LF. I can't wait for eggs! Those chicks will be beautiful with my wheaten Ameraucana, Hawkeye, as their daddy.
Looking for Cuckoo Silkie Roo, silver laced wyandottes, and black copper marans, and lavender americanas. Anyone that can help me, please PM me. Thanks. Also need the name of the man in the Blue Ridge Mountains that breeds various color cuckoo silkies. Anyone know him? Thanks and looking forward to the Chickenstock. My first.
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