Cat introductions

Samara Ferguson

May 21, 2015
Has anyone had any cat problems with their chickens? I cat proofed my coop because my cat is a skilled hunter, but he is showing absolutely no interest in the chicks. Think this will continue and I don't have to worry or are they just too young for him to identify as food? (Ive seen this with cats not eating baby mice.) I gave them an introduction in hopes of this but it happened very quickly and I am wary of my sneaky feline.
Most of my cats would to eat my chicks...i would be very careful with them. Once they are adults however, i have never had a problem. The chickens peck them once and they learn to stay away.
Very few cats will go after adult big chickens, but small chicks are definitely at risk, and a few cats might go after bantams. Broody hens will protect chicks from cats, but otherwise chicks are vulnerable. Mary
Ya just lost a 3 week old chick to my 20 lb Tom cat. He did not seem interested at all in the brooder, However he pushed all three weights off the hardware cloth top to the brooder and reached in and got one of our five NH reds last night.
So sorry! Keeping chickens is a constant education in just how clever a motivated predator will be! My brooders, coop, and soon the run, are as safe as I can make them. We all learn through experiences like that. Mary
I have a cat, but she has yet to show any interest in eating the chickens! she's actually afraid of them hahahahah. especially when they are flying around!

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