Chance of hatching a chicken that lays a BLUE egg from non blue eggs?

I am just about to get rid of my White Leghorn roosters, got three for three, but now I think I should keep one, and cross him with my EE hens? to get blue egg layers, hopefully? This is so confusing, and takes so long to find out what you've got.
Crossing EEs to white egg layers(white ear lobes) gets more blue eggs...
Crossing EEs to brown egg layers(red ear lobes) gets more green eggs...
Crossing EEs to chocolate egg layers gets olive eggs.

A good EE roo in a pen with all different breed hens is the best way to get a rainbow of colors.
can you show a photo of the eggs? My Ameracauna eggs are very blue??? Almost white would concern me a tad :-( Sorry

A photo might makes things a little easier

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