Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

13.00 on Pyxis' frizzle fibros

@Bluechick2u I see you're online and bidding on the auction thread so I hope you see this. I sent you a PM about the eggs you won from me but I haven't received a response or payment and I need to ship them out bright and early tomorrow morning. Could you please send the payment or let me know if you've changed your mind and don't intend to pay so I can offer them to someone else?

Edit: Thank you for getting back to me.
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Well, I'm not sure. She just asked me for those. I believe what she has is Mille Fleur D'Uccle but I will check with her. Thank you. It's a good day to learn new things.

@TJChickens has beautiful d'uccles! And a bunch of other gorgeous birds!!

@TJChickens has lovely d'uccle!
Reminder to all who use the 24 hour auction thread BEFORE you bid on an auction please be sure that you want the eggs being offered, can pay for them as soon as the auction closes, and agree to the stated shipping date.

This is a great place to buy great eggs at a great price. The eggs offered often are what are at hand and need to be sold quickly - so you cannot bid on eggs and ask for them to be sent in a weeks time.

The thread works well due to a level of trust, honesty, good will and a willingness to share between forum members.

The rules are simple but if you cannot follow them then you can not bid on this thread.

And lets say a special thank you to the great sellers who share their eggs with us on this thread at such a great price - as often doing so makes them no money, and in some cases costs them more than they receive.

THANK YOU awesome sellers
@Bluechick2u I see you're online and bidding on the auction thread so I hope you see this. I sent you a PM about the eggs you won from me but I haven't received a response or payment and I need to ship them out bright and early tomorrow morning. Could you please send the payment or let me know if you've changed your mind and don't intend to pay so I can offer them to someone else?

Edit: Thank you for getting back to me.

Just want to publicly apologize to Pyxis, when I bid on the eggs I made the assumption that they would be shipped Monday, they must cross the entire US before reaching me and I am in a "dead zone" for shipping so there's at least 1 extra day of shipping, I didn't realize that others don't have this worry and I'd never want to inconvenience a seller who after all is doing this to share wonderful birdies. Hoping that others can learn from my mistake, to clarify the shipping date if that's important to you. A verry big "sorry" and "thank you" to Pyxis, I am grateful for your time and that you chose to share eggs from all your hard work.
Just want to publicly apologize to Pyxis, when I bid on the eggs I made the assumption that they would be shipped Monday, they must cross the entire US before reaching me and I am in a "dead zone" for shipping so there's at least 1 extra day of shipping, I didn't realize that others don't have this worry and I'd never want to inconvenience a seller who after all is doing this to share wonderful birdies. Hoping that others can learn from my mistake, to clarify the shipping date if that's important to you. A verry big "sorry" and "thank you" to Pyxis, I am grateful for your time and that you chose to share eggs from all your hard work.

Thank you! I was able to sell the eggs that were in the auction anyway so it all ended up working out. And next time I'll draw more attention to the shipping date in my auction, just in case someone misses it again.
My clutch from @RavynFallen hatched! I only got 5, but they're cutie patooties!! There's a black Olive Egger in there, but do you see any sign of an Am/Legbar, Ravyn? And I can't tell what colors 2 of the lighter ones are. There's a blue(?), a lavender, and the other 2 are....?
Forgot the pics! LOL!!!

Awww!!! :love

I see a black, a Lav, a white and the darker of the lighter ones will either be white or a washed out lavender/smutty white... it's something odd that has been cropping up out of the recessive white carriers I have...

My clutch from @RavynFallen hatched! I only got 5, but they're cutie patooties!! There's a black Olive Egger in there, but do you see any sign of an Am/Legbar, Ravyn? And I can't tell what colors 2 of the lighter ones are. There's a blue(?), a lavender, and the other 2 are....?

Don't see Legbar mix, but after thinking about it I'm not sure if there will be a difference to tell until they're older... it would only be the black, and if it is a cross then it's a pullet...

Only 5? I'm sorry... :(
Let me know if you'd like more eggs... I can do another box for just shipping if you'd like another batch... :)

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