Check out my $40 Craigslist Chicken Tractor!!! PICS!!


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Northern Indiana
I went and picked this up yesterday and couldn't be happier with it! It a welded steel mesh chicken tractor!! This guy made it so that the coyotes and coon couldn't lift the tractor. It's 7.5 by 11.5. The wheels raise and lower as well-all for $40!!
I couldn't believe it! It has two brooder lamps already installed on the inside if they're needed. He also gave me 2 wire mesh panels to put on the top if I decide that I don't want the entire top covered by the tarp. It has a tin roof with a center beam welded for ridgidity. I couldn't have built a better tractor than this!! I am just tickled to death over this Craigslist buy!

Hooray! I too love a great score and you really hit the jack pot on this one.

How did you get that monster home?
Thanks you guys!

No, there's no floor to it, and although it is quite heavy, I am able to move it so the meaties (and turkeys) will be able to get fresh, green grass daily! I'm so excited! As far as getting the chickens out, it's going to be quite easy I believe. Meaties can pretty much be herded to the front (with a stick or something) where we will just scoop them out. I'm just super excited about this!!

We have a 6x12 trailer that we loaded it up onto. It was quite a sight driving home with it I'm sure for passers by. This is how we did it.

It was a little difficult considering that we have a back gate and a side gate on our trailer. Thank goodness we had that toolbox on the top to strap on to. Sorry about the black and white photos...I don't check the settings on my camera and I'm thinking one of the kids were taking photos. It's way too windy for me to run out again and take photos.

For the wheels, he completely took the frame from a kids bike and used those...check it out!

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