CHICK-A-DEES Hatching Thread!!! šŸ£

Thank you so much!!! This is amazing advice. Iā€™ll give it a try! I appreciate you taking the time to type that out!
Just sharing what works. The most important part is venting the incubator back down. And every incubator has a different design, I'm using my diy incubator and have modified for those situations.
@K0k0shka just read through your last years post! Thought You may like to follow along?
Oh cool! Thanks for the tag! I'll follow along and will try to help if I can. There's a lot of information in my thread from last year, on working with the crappy LG, but let me know if you have any specific questions. Most important of all - calibrate all your devices! All thermometers and the hygrometer. I do 30% humidity pre-lockdown, and 70% at lockdown.

Is your LG still air or forced air? I recommend adding a fan if it's still air. Will up your hatch rate.

Good luck!

Waiting to see that awesome brooder you promised pictures of ;)
Oh cool! Thanks for the tag! I'll follow along and will try to help if I can. There's a lot of information in my thread from last year, on working with the crappy LG, but let me know if you have any specific questions. Most important of all - calibrate all your devices! All thermometers and the hygrometer. I do 30% humidity pre-lockdown, and 70% at lockdown.

Is your LG still air or forced air? I recommend adding a fan if it's still air. Will up your hatch rate.

Good luck!

Waiting to see that awesome brooder you promised pictures of ;)
Thank you for the humidity advice!

My incubator is still air. I think Its the exact same model as yours! What do you think about this fan ?

I can't remember how you set up your fan. And what temp did you have it at?

I calibrated all 3 of my handheld temps! My hygrometer is calibrated too, about 5% off. I ordered another one today!

I'm gonna take some pictures to show the brooder today!
Thank you for the humidity advice!

My incubator is still air. I think Its the exact same model as yours! What do you think about this fan ?

I can't remember how you set up your fan. And what temp did you have it at?

I calibrated all 3 of my handheld temps! My hygrometer is calibrated too, about 5% off. I ordered another one today!

I'm gonna take some pictures to show the brooder today!
That looks very similar to the fan I have. I have the auto turner in there and not a lot of room left, so I put the fan on its side along the back wall, so it's blowing across the eggs. My fan has 2 or 3 levels of how hard it blows, I keep it at the lowest level. Just enough to move the air around. Here's what it looked like:


Get some cheesecloth and wrap the fan with it to prevent little toes, wings or beaks poking between the guard pieces and getting cut. The blades are soft silicone and don't really cut, but chicks are so delicate that even that can be too much. Last year I didn't have anything over the fan, and woke up to blood everywhere from a chick getting its toe hurt in the blades :( After I put the cheese cloth on, I've had no accidents - no more last year and none this year with my new brood.
That looks very similar to the fan I have. I have the auto turner in there and not a lot of room left, so I put the fan on its side along the back wall, so it's blowing across the eggs. My fan has 2 or 3 levels of how hard it blows, I keep it at the lowest level. Just enough to move the air around. Here's what it looked like:

View attachment 2649143

Get some cheesecloth and wrap the fan with it to prevent little toes, wings or beaks poking between the guard pieces and getting cut. The blades are soft silicone and don't really cut, but chicks are so delicate that even that can be too much. Last year I didn't have anything over the fan, and woke up to blood everywhere from a chick getting its toe hurt in the blades :( After I put the cheese cloth on, I've had no accidents - no more last year and none this year with my new brood.
What do you do when the fan runs out of battery? It may be an obvious question...

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