Chick acting strangely


In the Brooder
May 17, 2022
My hen is mother to four chicks, all a few weeks old. I noticed one chick was acting strange today.

Yesterday, I delivered the chickens some treats. The hen and other chicks were eating, but this one chick only ate a bite before wandering off. Today, the chick did the same thing.

I also caught the chick lying down with their eyes closed while the other chicks hung around mom, but the chick jumped up and ran to mom when I got a bit close.

A few minutes ago, I noticed my three other chicks were with mom, but this chick was a distance away, standing by themselves. After a moment, it rejoined the others. I watched them for a while after that, but they seemed to act normally.

Could there be something wrong with my chicken? Thanks!
Hi there, can you post pictures?
@nuthatched my chickens have turned in for the day. I'll try to grab a photo tomorrow! I also found this image from earlier today, but I doubt it's of much help.

The chick is the gray one in the top left corner. The other ones are yellow.


  • chickens.jpeg
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  • graychick.jpg
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@nuthatched good to hear! I doubt they've eaten anything they weren't supposed to. If their crop is all right, is there anything else I should do right now, or just wait for day to come to grab a picture?

Sounds like an adventure, glad you were able to protect your chicken :)

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