Chick born with breathing issues


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
With our past hatch we had one chick hatch extra late. She had labored breathing and was small from the start. Now, half a month later, she's half feathered, half the height she should be. What can I do for her? Other then the labored breathing and size, she is fine.

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There may be internal issues that are not easily seen. Sometimes when a chick hatches with one obvious issue, there are others too that are not obvious. It could be heart, lungs, etc., very hard to say. She may not be digesting and metabolizing normally. Some chicks just fail to thrive. Honestly there isn't much you can do except take the best care of her you can, and time will tell.
There may be internal issues that are not easily seen. Sometimes when a chick hatches with one obvious issue, there are others too that are not obvious. It could be heart, lungs, etc., very hard to say. She may not be digesting and metabolizing normally. Some chicks just fail to thrive. Honestly there isn't much you can do except take the best care of her you can, and time will tell.
I know there could be other issues, I was just some way I could help this little baby banty

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