Chick can't poop! Swollen abdomen!

Look up how to treat pasty butt. Also, next time post right away when this happens. Your chick might die.
Has he ever pooped? If so, that means his vent is not undeveloped, he just has gotten poop stuck there.
I have gotten all the poop off of his vent. He has pooped a little recently, but it was white and creamy not brown like normal.
Make sure the vent has an opening. Try inserting a QTip moistened with vaseline or vegetable oil just barely into the opening. Get it drinking water by dipping it’s beak. How hot is the brooder with a thermometer? Give the chick some tiny pieces of coconut oil or a little olive oil into it’s beak. Molasses is good as well.
I am not sure how hot it is exactly in their brooder but all the other 8 chicks I have are fine and not shivering.

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