
Jul 31, 2021
United States
Hi, I have an egg that internally pipped over 48 hours ago. After 24 hours it still hadn't externally pipped so I poked a small hole through the air cell and put it back in the bator. 24 hours later there was no progress and I could no longer hear it peeping. I began chipping away the shell and I could see that it was breathing. I removed the chick from the egg and it is SKINNY. The yolk was fully absorbed and eaten. It's belly wasn't fat like other chicks I've hatched. It looks deflated. It's beak doesn't line up and it won't open it's eyes. I syringe fed it some nutri-drench and put it back in the bator. It hasn't moved and it's breathing is irregular. Is there anything else I can do?
I've given it another three rounds of nutri-drench. It's been crying and it just lifted it's head for the first time. I'm hoping it's going to make it.
it doesn't need food, it needs to finish absorbing the yolk, I would say it wasnt ready to hatch, did it make it?
It was definitely ready to hatch but couldn't get out because it wasn't positioned correctly and it's beak is deformed. It was in the egg so long it had already absorbed it's yolk and was pretty dehydrated. That's why it was so skinny. It(she?) did survive but it's beak is a bit wonky. I can take pictures in the morning if you want.
Still doing okay? If you wait too long to help a 'stuck' chick, they tend to have issues gaining mobility, but this usually clears up within the first week.

Was there anything strange about this chick's development pre-hatch? Do you know if the parent stock were heavily inbred? Fluctuations in temperature, nutrition deficiency in parent stock, mishandling of eggs (in shipped eggs), setting fairy eggs... So many things that can result in a deformed or poor performing chick.

It sounds lucky to have not had congenital issues that did it in before now.

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