chick farts is that normal ?

I <3 this thread.
That's a riot. I've never heard (smelled) a chicken fart - not that I'm complaining. A beautiful cocker I had many years ago was named "Sparkle Farts," and she did!! Our first Cocker Brucie, when I was a kid, was famous for the 'silent and deadly" kind, he could really empty a room - fast. But the funniest thing was when he tooted he would turn around and frantically try to find where it came from.

"Butt tuba," love that expression will have to pass it on. Our family has some notable talent but, I better resist naming them .Don't 'cha love the ones that blame it on medication? Yeah - right. In an exercise group, the leader called it "releasing endrophins."
OMG, I have tears in my eyes.

I fed my girls a bit of bananna tonight. I was kneeling down hand feeding it to them. My BO just chokes it down as quickl as possible and she burped after. This big URPPP burp like she had just guzzled beer. Not very lady like at all, I told her.
Our German Shepherd does that! She'll fart and jump out of her skin like something snuck up behind her! Then she'll look around like she's trying to find what it was that tried to get her.

Oh, good grief animals are hilarious.
I have this comic at my desk at the office. It's of two (or three) chickens on a roosting bar. Three are three broken eggs on the wall behind one of the chickens and the other chicken says Gesundheit to the first. Very appropriate for this thread. I tried to find it on line to no avail. I'll have to scan it and post it tomorrow.
O. M. G. I have never EVER heard a chicken fart. Ken, yes. A chicken no. I have even heard my goat fart but lets not go there
My horse once farted while smiling at me. Never got the upwind on that one.

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