
A friend of our went through drive-thru of chick-fil-a with her kids and some chicks they had at Farm Fair. Her young daughter had no problem eating, but was hiding the fact from the chicks cause she didn't want to hurt their feelings.
I have no issues with it, my aunt and uncle raise beef cattle and their beef is the only beef i'll eat because i know how they are raised and it will be the same way with my chickens if i raise them to eat then that's their purpose in life
I know what you mean.
Here are my views-- they are mine only and I respect anyone that agrees or disagrees!

After researching deeply into commercial (and by this I mean very large scale) chicken operations, I will no longer knowingly support them with my money. Not when I have other options! As an omnivore, taking life is necessary if I want to eat meat. It should never be completely careless (again, my thoughts only) and without any regard to the animal. Respect and compassion for the life itself isn't the same as getting attached emotionally-- if I had meaties, I would butcher them, after making sure they had lives where they were treated with respect and space to live as chickens. With my layers, they will also be given the same respect for life and I will do my best for them. What happens to battery hens and commercial meat chickens is not okay with me, so I avoid it in favor of local chickens, that I can go and see are having a good chicken life.

So, my guilt not comes from the chickens I now share life with, but with the ones I do not in bad situations... those chickens are the tragedy (to me.. they don't have to be, to you!), so I choose not to support what happens to them. I support what happens to well raised chickens and will no doubt continue to eat them, though probably with less frequency than an average American eats chicken.
Not me.
I actually considered getting some meat chickens and trying my hand at that.... of course, then I wouldn't be able to do it, so I'd still be buying my chicken from the grocery store....
I was vegetarian long before I ever got chickens, so eating their meat was never an option for me. I wondered if I would still be able to eat eggs, knowing they'd come from hens with names and personalities, but I don't find that a problem. I totally agree with Nambroth on the factory farming issue...I don't have a problem now with eggs from my own hens, and I even don't have a problem sending a few extra roos on to other homes where I know they will be eaten. But I will NOT NOT NEVER support the horrible egg and meat chicken factory farming practices. In fact, I take a pretty active stance against them in trying to educate others. Although my chickens and eggs cannot be techincally called organic, I take great pains to feed them as naturally as possible--this is actually more of an issue for me than the issue of taking a life. I refuse to let me or my family eat those hormone and antibiotic riddled factory farmed meat products.

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