Chick Foot Problems?


6 Years
Apr 5, 2018
So, I️ noticed that this chick, named Kevin, had been limping since the I️ got her. I️ didn’t think much of it. I️ had checked her feet and the looked fine.

This morning I️ notice that the way she waswalking on her feet was a little odd.

The rear toe of her left foot seems to be deformed. The toe is bent forward like the toes on the front of her foot. Here’s a pic:


Here is a pic of the left:


Here is a pic of the right:


I️ am concerned that the toe/foot are painful because she sits most the time and limps pretty bad when she walks. When she does walk, she will only take a few stiff steps at a time. She is also pretty skinny and would much rather a nice nap over frolicking with the other chicks.

Is there anything I️ can do to help her or make the foot less painful?

Thank you for your help!
Main thing I'd keep an eye on is the callus on that left foot toe. You might also need to do nail maintenance on that toenail in the future as it might not wear down evenly/correctly.

I suppose if you have access to a vet that's knowledgeable about poultry, amputating that toe would be a possible "fix" as it's probably too late to try and fix the positioning of it.
Main thing I'd keep an eye on is the callus on that left foot toe. You might also need to do nail maintenance on that toenail in the future as it might not wear down evenly/correctly.

I suppose if you have access to a vet that's knowledgeable about poultry, amputating that toe would be a possible "fix" as it's probably too late to try and fix the positioning of it.
My mother is a vet, but not for poultry. I’ll see if she can do it, or knows someone who can.
I️ just noticed that callus, thank you. Kevin is unable to perch and acts like her foot bothers her. I️ wish I️ had noticed it earlier on. I️ haven’t quite figured out if it got broken and then set itself like that of if it grew deformed.
I️ was worried she would have to be culled because she is in pain. Now I️ have some hope.
Thank you! I’ll keep you posted.
I think if it can be amputated so it's no longer rubbing against the ground and causing pain she'll make adjustments to be able to walk and might learn to roost as well. Chickens can do fine with missing toes/parts of toes.
I think if it can be amputated so it's no longer rubbing against the ground and causing pain she'll make adjustments to be able to walk and might learn to roost as well. Chickens can do fine with missing toes/parts of toes.
I️ might just do that. I️ will have to set up alternate housing for her that would be easy to keep clean, away from the other chicks. Hopefully this would boost Kevin’s enjoyment of walking and help her gain weight/grow. Keeping her inside for a few day would probably be for the best anyway. She is always shivering when she goes outside, even though the rest of the chicks pile on top of her at night. They are all very attached to Kevin, physically and emotionally, so they won’t be very happy if I️ take her away. 😅
Thank you!

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