Chick Grit


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
I got some chick grit and meal worms for my chicks to help earn some trust from them. They’re all 3-4 weeks and terrified of us. They’re still in a brooder box so no access to the ground. Should I let them have some grit for a few days prior to introducing new foods? Can I just scatter it on the floor or the brooder?
ive never used chick grit, or gave treats to young pullets .. just chick starter ... a good plan that will build trust quickly, and get them on 'your' program is get a wire pen, or make one, small enough that you can easily move around, and a generous top door will really help ..let their food run out for several hours, then slowly but firmly grab them and transfer them to the wire pen .. have a tray set up and tied off so they cant turn it over and narrow and deep enough they cant all stand on it and kick all the food out the pen with wire bottom in a sandy shady place and drag it in alittle so the sand comes up through the bottom .. do that several days and theyll catch on who their daddy is lol .. in a week theyll probably all get on your arm and jump in the wire pen as you add the food .. within a couple weeks theyll be able to move on their own and follow you to the other pen, then you can adjust exactly what and where you want them to go by just flashing the food can at them ..just get them alittle hungry and dont 'chase' them and you got it .. if you have to pick them up do it strategically so its gentle but quick and firm, with food as a reward .. most pullets respond to this method very well ..

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