Chick pipped but not hatching

She is doing fine, she’s very loud but she is missing an eye and has a cross beak :(. Poor thing

You should Google or ask on here in the emergency section because I'm sure that you can help the beak correct I these very early stages-- like one small piece of tape on one side to hold them in correct position-- that you can easily remove the tape... And her eye may not be fully developed-- but just give her time
She is doing fine, she’s very loud but she is missing an eye and has a cross beak :(. Poor thing

Me again... It's called crossbeak or scissor beak. It's due to injury or nutritional deficiency. I'm sure that you can help realign by putting a small piece of tape on one side to hold on alignment?

Here's info about the condition--in looking up treatment in a chick now for you:

Regarding the eye--id wait till she's all dried off first which can be 8+ hours. If by tomorrow the downy "fur" is still over her other eye, I'd get a warm moist paper towel and very gently try to wipe the covered eye. Not too wet, just enough to loosen and maybe break free the stuck down.

Chickens can live with crossbeak AND only one eye :)
will do but will her eye grow since she is out of her shell?

If all her other internal body parts are developed, and she doesn't have severe nutritional deficiencies--She's be fine--with your assistance during this early time--next 4 - 14 days--depending on any other issues.

One of my chicks was born with curled toes on each foot. Omg I spent 2 months every day refitting custom made (each time/day) prosthetic boots to try and correct her toes asap. Turns out that on one foot, her middle toe just refused to correct. I read on here that's common and they are not bothered by their condition. She's now almost 6 months old and her one middle toe is turned on its side and the neighboring toes are a little bit curled--but she doesn't notice and can grip roost bar when in that position.
Time will tell what, if any, other defects it has. It may survive with additional care, and a number of folks on here have birds with severe cross beaks that they spend that extra bit of time and care for, and they do ok. Please don’t attempt to place tape on this chick’s beak, as you will most likely make it difficult for it to breathe - the nares are on the top of the beak, where you would need to put tape.
It won’t grow an eye that wasn’t developed in the first place, but occasionally there will be a small, nonfunctional globe or bit of tissue there. Hard to say with this one. I wouldn’t worry too much about that at this point; it has more pressing concerns.

My experience with deformed chicks has not been encouraging; most of the ones I’ve had that have had deformities to this extent either died within a few days, or manifested with further issues within a week or 2 and had to be culled. It may not have vision in the existing eye.
That’s not to say this one won’t pull through, but be prepared for the possibility.

Ensure it has access to food that it can easily pick up - soaked starter mash in a dish that it can “scoop” food out of may work, or you may need to feed it by hand, at least to start with. Watch that it doesn’t drown in any water dish, since we don’t know if it can see, and hard to say if it will have any issues with balance.

Good luck, and rooting for the little floof! :)

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