Chick with poopy butt

The Golden Egg5

5 Years
Nov 5, 2016
Boone, North Carolina
I have a 1.5 week old frizzled Cochin bantam who I just picked up and has runny white poop all over her butt. Does this mean she is sick? She is not acting sick from what I can tell and is eating and drinking fine. Any ideas or suggestions?
It could mean she's under stress.
You have to clean her pasty bottom ASAP!

Chicks have died because of those!
Here's how to do it.
Get a clothe, or a paper towel, dip it in warm water and wipe her bottom. She might not like it, but you have to do it anyway!
Wipe for a min. Do this every day until it starts to clear up.

Good luck!
It could mean she's under stress.
You have to clean her pasty bottom ASAP! Chicks have died because of those!
Good luck!


Check to make sure the vent is clean and cleared of poop several times a day. If the vent looks a bit irritated you can apply some vaseline, coconut oil or hemorrhoid cream to help soothe and heal.
I have had cases of pasty butt before and I don't think this is it. With pasty butt the poop is more of a peanut butter consistency and this is liquid. She still has a clear vent. I am just worried that this could mean that she has a sickness of some kind.
What is the temp in your brooder? what are you feeding them?

If you have some bird probiotics you could add some to their water or even plain ACV 1 Tab per gallon of water.
Also, If needed trim the area below the poop hole, it will grow back. Chick as said might be to hot or are you giving it any treats that might be upsetting its stomach? At that age I only give them a good chick feed---nothing else----there will be plenty of time for other things once they get on the dirt(not saying you are) Just for info!
I just checked on them and the little chick did not make it through the night. She was acting fine yesterday, so I don't know what the problem could have been. Thank you for the help.

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