Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Hey blom, I have a question for you.. it looks like you have a really beautiful place for your chooks and you love them a lot. I am looking for a loving home for my two chickens, because my boyfriend has put his foot down and wont allow me to keep them anymore.
Its a roo and a hen. he is a mutt, but has a lot of rhode island red i think, and i hand reared him like my baby, so he is very sweet and tame and friendly, and still jumps onto my shoulder and lets me scratch his face. and he looks after his hens so well! he defended them against a mongoose many times.the girl is a white mix of sorts as well, she still lays a massive egg every day. my roo only crows at reasonable times in the morning, like 6 30 but my boyfriend likes to sleep long. Wouldn't you be prepared to take them? He came from a flock in the Cederberg that lives on a farm as well, and some of their chickens die off every winter, so he has good strong healthy genes. PLease let me know what you think. I really want him to go to a good place, and if there are any problems I would take him back immediately.
Yes please check with your parents! and as I said, if anything ever happened I would want to take him back before he gets given away somewhere else..The two chooks in front died, the white one had crop impaction and the red one an intestinal infection a while ago, it was very sad. but they were production breeds and they had very bad genes I think. you know how they are bred to only last about a year..its disgusting. thats also why I want to breed healthy heritage breeds and mutts one day like you are doing!! that dont get sick and last for 20 years. the one in the back is Gwen, that is with the roo. She seems very healthy after all that, but she is also a lot skinnier than the other two, so maybe she's a different breed. She is looking quite rugged now because shes the only one left with the roo, so he's obviously mating her a lot. My roosters name is Chooches. I would drive them up to you. My best friend lives in Cape Town but has a house in Napier where she goes on the weekend, so she drives up often, its only about 2 hrs. maybe your parents know her.. her name is Reena Cotton and she's a vet.

These are Chooches and Gwen, my babies. Sorry I didnt text you but I ran out of calltime..
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