Chicken breeds


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2016
Are there certain breeds that don't get along with each other? For example would Plymouth barred rocks, blue lace wyandottes, and Rhode Island reds get along together?
Thanks for the info. Wasn't sure if all chickens were cool with each other or not. I know about that pecking order with the horses. Are the barred rocks, Rhode Island reds, wyandottes all pretty easy keepers?
I noticed that the barred rocks aren't that friendly. And the roosters are mean. Wyandottes and RIR's are fine, and lay lots of eggs.
In my opinion, I would choose the following breeds, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorp, Polish, Wyandottes, Dominiques, Ameraucana's, Silkies and Brahma's. All these breeds lay plenty of eggs. You can look up the breeds and see what you think

Any of those lay green or blue eggs? Are there any heritage breeds that do?
Yes the Ameraucana lays green eggs. The araucana( IS rumpless or tailess) lays beautiful blue eggs. Then the Cream Legbar lays blue eggs(And can be sexed at birth! By the color.)
Easter Eggers can lay either green, blue or brown eggs.
Hope this helps

Chicken temperament is more of an individual bird and/or line thing rather than a breed thing.
Temperament can depend a great deal on housing and management also.

Get the breeds that you like the look of and/or the breed that lay the color eggs you want.
Think I'll start out with some barred rocks, Rhode Island reds, and wyandottes.
Oh I have a couple wyandottes and even if they are only 6 weeks old they are a bundle of energy and love to jump around. I heard if you get a barred rock you have to get more then 1 to keep it from fighting. Wyandottes and Red Rhodes sound great though!

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