Chicken Buyers Remorse

I do not have enough experience or enough chickens to have buyers remorse yet.

We currently have Amberlinks, what we were told were RIR, but are low quality high production reds, barred rock and easter egger roosters. We are currently giving away two of our easter eggers (I sat out and talked to them and am so sad about it, but there are too many roos to hens).

The lady we are giving the Easter Egger roosters too is giving us one of her young, just started laying, pullets in exchange (I didn't ask for it, she just wanted to because she said she felt like she was getting something she needed for nothing and it didn't feel right to her). I don't know what she will be yet.

We are getting Amerucaunas pullets (did I put the "u"s in the right places?) from a local hatchery in May and day old olive egger chicks then as well.

We have decided to double our run and add a 4x8 house on the other end of it for additional birds and a storage space that will double as a quarantine area! I fought my husband for years on getting chickens. I didn't think I would like it, but I love my birds and I can't stay off of these forums.

I started talking to him yesterday about hatching eggs next year. What are you all doing to me?? 🤣
Which chickens do you think you are no longer interested in and why?
For me, it's particular characteristics rather than specific breeds.

The biggie: any breed with feathered feet.

I had some Light Brahmas once, and they were really nice chickens--except for those muddy, filthy foot feathers.

Since then, I just do not buy or keep chickens with feathered feet.

And I'm not keen on muffs & beards, or crests. I like my chickens to be able to see, without me having to trim feathers or apply hairclips. I recognize that some crests can stay out of the way (Cream Legbar, Spitzhauben, Brabanter, etc.) But I mostly avoid crested breeds.
Uh. Can't think of one right now.
I also have AC. They are pretty and I would never give them up. But as far as buying more, I don't think I will. Their eggs are small and they are so busy brooding they have not time for eggs.
We are getting Amerucaunas pullets (did I put the "u"s in the right places?)

The "Amer-" is like in "America," but the "-aucana" is like in "Araucana."
It's only got one u, right in the middle.

(I have spelled it wrong way too many times myself. I think I know it now, but I looked it up again just to be sure :lol: )
I wanted purebred Ameraucana for so long, was trying to hatch the self blue (lavender) ones forever it seems. Ended up with a blue and a splash that were gorgeous. Sold the blue last fall as she was a bully, and just recently sold the splash, she was a sweetie, but I never got really attached to her. Both went to good homes. They were both quite skittish. Their blue egg color was nice, but over rated for the price the birds cost. I do not think I will get Ameraucana again.
I, on the other hand, LOVE my wyandotte and english orpington girls. They are both consistant layers and have mellow, easy going personalities. 😊
The biggie: any breed with feathered feet.

I had some Light Brahmas once, and they were really nice chickens--except for those muddy, filthy foot feathers.

Since then, I just do not buy or keep chickens with feathered feet.

There are only two times that I'm happy about living on this exceedingly sandy ground:

First, when we have hurricanes or other forms of extremely heavy rainfall and I don't have to worry about flooding.

Second, when I indulge my love of feather-footed chickens. :D
My feelings about certain breeds generally come out of some sort of unmet expectations.

When I hatched my Bielefelders, I was told they were the most a-mazing birds on the planet - so I was super excited! What I wasn't told is that they lay few eggs (almost none after season 1) and eat their weight in food daily (which is considerable). Also, the males don't make eating weight any sooner than regular dual purpose breeds. So the disappointment outweighed the expectation.

I suppose if I had no expectations, I wouldn't have been so disappointed. Some folks love them!

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