Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed??

Im glad to know Ethel is hanging in there! I haven't dealt with fowl pox so will wait for someone more knowledgeable to answer your question, but the black spots may be peck wounds from other chickens.

Are you seeing any improvement in her ability to stand/use her legs? Are you still giving vitamin E?
I also read where the black spots could be from other chickens pecking her which could have happened when she was down for the days before I was told about her. She has definitely got more energy than she did just a few days ago because she's getting more feisty about opening her mouth. There really isn't much if any improvement in her standing or walking. Her cone is still pretty pale so I'm not sure if that was the anemia from the mites or the starvation dehydration or I don't know what, but I'm watching it closely and monitoring her weight, This evening after her last feeding she was up to 3 lb 2.7 oz. I'm not sure at what point. I will decide that she is as healthy as she's going to get and proceed to the next level of taking her to the vet to be examined for broken bones or fractures or other injuries. She doesn't seem to be in pain anywhere. Other than that one time I ran my fingers down her spine and she squalked towards the end close to her tail. So I'm concerned basically that she got stepped on by a horse and I hope that that's all it is, is just an injury that's going to take time to heal. All of y'all on this site have been an incredible help and even if the time comes that I can't pull her through this, I thank everyone of you that has chimed in because you've all been so helpful. I will continue to update until we know she's out of the woods or going to Chicken heaven.


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To your knowledge, would it hurt to treat her for a vitamin B2 deficiency, even if that isn't the case, and treat her for internal parasites/worms, with the wormer that is recommended in the screenshot?
Giving Vitamin B shouldn't hurt her, B Vitamins are water soluble, so any "excess" is secreted out in the urine. It's hard to overdose on B Vitamins.
If you want to give vitamin therapy, I would get a bottle of human B-Complex from Walmart, CVS, etc. and give her 1/4 tablet daily. Since she's struggling with keeping her head up, I'd also give her 400IU Vitamin E daily along with a treat of egg.

The screenshot mentions using Valbazen to deworm. Excellent dewormer. Dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.

I'm sorry if I've missed something, I haven't kept up with the thread and read the past posts.
If she was infested with mites, this can definitely cause a severe decline and make recovery slow. The B-Vitamins may help with deficiency, but she may also benefit from getting a little beef liver (about 1Tablespoon) a few times a week.

You are right, symptoms can look like Marek's, but there's so many other conditions that can mimic one another, it's hard to get a concrete answer unless a bird dies, and you have further testing for confirmation.
I wish I had good advice for you, I am so sorry your girl is struggling. :hugs

I had a hen that had a stroke and was paralyzed from the hips down. She would fall over if she wasn't supported with towels all around her. I kept her in this tub and other than her not being able to walk, she had a huge appetite, got excited to go out with the flock while free ranging, she would get so excited for treats she'd nearly fall out of her tub,
she did well for quite some time. Of course the big momma of strokes took her eventually.

It's so amazing how when an animal needs you for more than just regular daily care, how easy it is to get attached to them so quickly. And tonight, Ethel gave back to me when I needed her. I was so distraught after coming home from a doctor appt to find out that my uncle, who lives next door, his dog, Great Pyrenees, killed one of my senior cats who was outside in her own yard in her own fenced area. Ethel helped to comfort me in a way I would've never expected. And then tonight after I had gone to bed, she started eating scratch for the first time on her own. I hope this is a good sign that perhaps things are headed in the right direction for her.


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