Chicken Coop Floor. Whats best?

What type of flooring to use on my Coop?

  • Paver sand

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Aug 27, 2019
I am new to the site as well as new to having chickens. 2 months ago I started building my own coop (see pic) and 3 weeks ago I was done with it. I went and got 4 Rhode island chicks and now they growing up super fast and healthy :). I just wanted to give you guys a little intro.
As you can see on the pic my coop is half covered, and I have been struggling with what to cover the dirt/grass floor it now has. People told me Paver sand, wood ships and etc. I just need to know what to use there. I don't have a flooding problem or anything I just don't want the grass and dirt to be their flooring. If someone could help, it would be really appreciated. the coop is small. The floor its 8ft long by 4ft wide and I'm not planning on getting more chickens lol. (I already trimmed the top roofing panel, this is an old pic lol, bc I know some one would mention that)
FYI- I live in Florida and it usually rains a lot, specially during hurricane season, so I need something that can take rain, dry quick and do not get too smelly, also something that I don't have to change every week (I'm fine changing it once a month if that what it requires though)
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I put my coop on our grass / dirt lawn, put hardware cloth over the bottom and then covered it with all-purpose sand. So far, I've been super happy with it. I'm really new to chickens myself. I see the ladies gleefully foraging in the sand and taking dust baths, and it's super easy for me to scoop out their poop with a cat litter scooper (run and coop) nightly and it takes literally 2 minutes.
Congrats and welcome! I put hardware cloth on the bottom so critters cant dig their way in and then i Put construction sad in the run and pine chips in the coop. The sand works like kitty litter and you scoop out the poop once a week. (i duct taped a kitty little scoop to a pole for this purpose). Its working nicely for me!

Good luck!
Congrats and welcome! I put hardware cloth on the bottom so critters cant dig their way in and then i Put construction sad in the run and pine chips in the coop. The sand works like kitty litter and you scoop out the poop once a week. (i duct taped a kitty little scoop to a pole for this purpose). Its working nicely for me!

Good luck!

When you say coop and run what do u mean? Is there a difference? Lol
I can't tell what size your coop is, but just fyi, a coop should have 4sf per chicken and the run should have 10sf per chicken. Doesn't mean you can't do it with less space, but you may have problems with pecking. Also, do put obstacles in your run, a crate leaning up against the side, something to go under and perhaps a perch or two. This will help with keeping chickens happy and entertained, as well as give anyone being picked on a place to get away.
When you say coop and run what do u mean? Is there a difference? Lol
Yes, there is a difference. The coop is where they sleep/roost at night. The run is the little wire enclosure you have for them for their day time activities. I wouldn't put anything in their run initially. Let them eat/scratch around in the grass. It will be bare dirt in just a few weeks. Then I would put leaves or dry, non treated mulch or wood chips.

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