Chicken crowing... at night? Help! I think my chicken might be ill.

I've never had a roo that just crowed during the day, they generally crow all night long. The coop is pretty close to my bedroom window too. The neighbors really enjoy the concert...NOT!
My hen crows a couple times a week, but just in the early morning.....The best part is when all 3 start cackling at once at about 6am, just as it barely starts getting light. So much fun.
You wanna see something funny? check out a 3 month old bantam roo trying to crow, lol I swear he about falls over! My OEG Roo isn't happy with the fact there is another little whipper-snapper in the barnyard!!
my roo's and hens never crow at night, but my advice is that the hen that is crowing is either sad or happy... happy because it layed an egg probably, but not in a nesting box, last time me and my friend found an egg buried in the ground... luckily, we picked it up and put it in the nesting box... but it didn't hatch, they kept eatin their own eggs!

the hen might be sad because she layed an egg, then another chicken ate it...
I can't say that I have any hens that crow. I didn't know hens could crow. My roosters can definitely crow. I swear, my rooster that crows at night is checking to see if anyone else is either up or around. I can't believe that my neighbors actually like it. Crazy roosters. Heck, crazy neighbors.......... lol. I guess it's a good thing.
With several roos running around here you would think they hens wouldn't have a reason to crow.... Well one still does and there is nothing wrong with her, she just wants to be the queen and everyone has to hear her roar. The funny part is she is a tiny little serama hen, she sounds like a young roo trying to learn how to crow. I don't think you have to worry much about your pullet. Seeing as there are no roos around she has taken that role very seriously it sounds like
I think mine who crows took over the position when I got rid of my rooster when he started attacking my old cat. She is a big ol' black sexie. I mean 8 lbs easy. big ol' comb too. She even started trying to mate the rest of the hens. This went on for almost 2 years. (she's nearly 4 now)

When we got our new rooster this past spring, she and he went on for a few months battling for conrol of the flock. It's only been the last month and a half that he's had control of her.

And now I've thrown a Sebright roo into the mix! Kenny throughs a hissy fit everytime the Little Man works on his crowing.LOL. Kenny will be going into rooster time-out for a short period while I intergrate the the young pullets into the flock. He killed one 2 weeks ago when she got into his run. (just protecting his flock from and outsider) I'll put him in another pen with the 3 psycho sisters--his half sisters for a couple of months.
When the little girls start laying I'll let him back in with them. Couple of the EE's are already bigger than he is.

Sebright and his hens, including one Cochin (oops I didn't notice the feathers on her feet when I picked her out of the bin at TSC) will be moving into a "playhouse" type coop and run after I put it back together. It had been a quail pen for the winter.

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