Chicken dying?


Oct 27, 2023
We have two hens, around 2 or more years ago, but one of them is lethargic, symptoms of sour crop, not eating or drinking anything. We emptied her crop and gave her water with apple cider vinegar but nothing. We're going to give her scrambled eggs. Her comb was red with purple now it's pale. She can't stand without help anymore. We got her inside but nothing. She always has her eyes closed. Someone please help, does she have sour crop or is she dying from old age? Because I don't know how old she was when we got her.


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Hello and welcome to the BYC community! :frow

She sure looks poorly, so allow me some questions to help determine what the cause might be.

Did you already inspect your coop closely for poultry mites? They come out of the crevices at night and suck the chickens' blood leaving them anaemic and listless.

When did she last lay an egg and have there been any problems with brittle egg shells or shell-less eggs lately?

How does her lower abdomen look and feel, is it swollen? Hard or rather squishy like water filled?

How does her poop look?

When did you last deworm?

What exactly are you feeding?

And please, dont make her vomit again as this can lead to asphyxiation and often death of the bird.
We are aware of mites and check alot, her last egg was 3 days ago, her abdomen is a bit squishy, her poop is slimy and greenish, we dewormed her a week or two ago, we were feeding her spinach, some dried worms, lettuce, strawberries, and sometimes beetroot because she loves them, we made sure she was breathing when we emptied her.
We are aware of mites and check alot, her last egg was 3 days ago, her abdomen is a bit squishy, her poop is slimy and greenish, we dewormed her a week or two ago, we were feeding her spinach, some dried worms, lettuce, strawberries, and sometimes beetroot because she loves them, we made sure she was breathing when we emptied her.
Keep her and all your other birds somewhere else like a garage or similar until the coop is mite-free again. Remove all bedding and burn it prior to treating the coop, nest boxes etc. and treat walls, ceiling and all outside walls including roof as well.

You can use double-sided adhesive tape on the underside of the roosting bars and around the ends where they meet the walls, so the mites will get stuck to it on their way to the chickens.
This is also a good way to check for any mites left after a thorough clean out.

She can have some raw beef liver to restore the lost red blood cells, and poultry vitamins containing B complex and E as well as electrolytes.
Until delivery, add some sugar/honey and a pinch of salt and baking powder to her water (homemade electrolyte) and remind her often to have a sip or two as she needs to replenish the blood loss.

I hope she pulls through.

ETA: Stop the spinach and rather feed grated carrots with a bit of greek yoghurt and fine rolled oats instead.
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