Chicken forage plot?


Aug 1, 2021
I want to make a section where my birds can go forage rather than in my garden. Through trial and error (mostly poor garden...), I've "discovered" that they like kale, tomatoes, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and 2 particular types of grass.

Anyone ever done anything like this?

I live in the South, it gets 10th circle of hell hot and droughty late July through September and the area in question gets about 5 hours of that sun, full on.

Would love thoughts or recommendations.
First fence them off the garden. Instead of growing their own separate area to forage on, place the compost pile in or next to the coop and run. A pickup load of cow or horse manure will provide a good start if you don't have any garden or kitchen waste. Can be a valuable food and entertainment source. Let them help speed up the decomposition while cleaning up the bugs, grubs and seeds. I plant a few extra summer squash plants for the geese and chickens. Can usually pick one or two daily for them. If blackberries go wild around you,.I would plant a hedge of them on one side of the coop as a shade structure.
I think you misunderstand. I said what I wanted to do, which was plant them a forage plot to chicken in. I've watched how much they've enjoyed being in my garden, and while I will fence it off next year, I want to grow them a place where they can freely roam, find food, and enjoy their chickeny selves.

They have the compost pile already, and scratch in it happily. :)

Love the blackberry idea! Coop is already under trees, but one side is sunny. That's a good one. :)
Maybe you could make a 4X8 raised type bed and just plant some goodies for them. Or any size really.
My Hubby made me a few beds (for my veggies) this year using Oldcastle block from Home Depot - they have slots that you put a 2x6 or 2x8 board in and just sort of assemble them.
This would keep their garden somewhat contained and it would be easy to fence them out until plants get established.

Another idea is this - been following along to see how it goes!

Home Depot's photo:
I don't have any pics right now, but my chickens love peas (both the leaves and the pods). I plant them in the ground with a cut-out milk jug over the seedlings so the chickens don't uproot them. The pea vine grows out the top of the milk jug.

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