Chicken Found Layin Under Roosting Bars

She could be egg bound. Feel the vent area. Do you feel the shape of an egg there?

What is the vent doing? Can you see the egg pushing against the vent?

Is there a bad smell to the fluid she just expelled?
The fluid was rank smelling. I cleaned with bleach and it still smelt nasty.

Would the feeling of an egg be horizontal to her vent?
You can insert a clean or gloved finger into the vent to gently feel for an egg or obstruction. The yellow fluid and yellow droppjng material looks like she has a major reproductive problem, and possibly ascites (water belly.) Those may cause liver issues, thus the bright yellow dropping. How does her lower belly feel? Do you have any antibiotics to use in case she has infection?
You can insert a clean or gloved finger into the vent to gently feel for an egg or obstruction. The yellow fluid and yellow droppjng material looks like she has a major reproductive problem, and possibly ascites (water belly.) Those may cause liver issues, thus the bright yellow dropping. How does her lower belly feel? Do you have any antibiotics to use in case she has infection?
This is my first time with chickens so I literally have no idea what I'm feeling for. I don't know how to help her. I did change their feed a couple days ago to the Full Plume feed as about 1/3 of my flock is molting. Could the jump from 17% protein to the 20% and whatever else the feed has in it be the issue?

I do have Liquamycin
No the change in feed should not have caused that problem. Has she been eating? Did you change the feed gradually over a few days? You could try giving the liquamycin by injection 1 ml which should last for 3 days, when it could be repeated. Amoxicillin (Aqua Mox) for fish or enrofloxacin (Baytril) 10% liquid for pigeons can be ordered online. Those may be given orally.
Forget trying to feel for an egg. most of the time you can't feel it as it's still too far up the oviduct. On the chance this is egg binding. Give her a calcium tablet right now directly into her beak. This is what I use, but you can use any form of calcium supplement you have on hand.
This will encourage strong contractions if an egg is stuck. The fowl smell points to a stuck egg. It's such a rank odor it has never left my memory.

A lot of fluids are lost during some egg binding episodes because the egg has blocked the ceca where cecal poop is formed. But this is also where excess fluids get distributed to the rest of the hen's body. When that's blocked, she loses the fluids in large amounts without them being absorbed by her body. For this reason, she needs to have large amounts of fluids to drink. If she's too weak to drink, that need to be tubed directly into her.

If she is dehydrated, this complicates her passing the obstruction or egg.

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