Chicken in a hole


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Marysville, WA
I picked up 5 Ameraucana today

I'll post pics soon. After I got my chickens home one ran off in the grass I went to grab him and he ran straight into this giant hole under my cedar tree.

Desperately, I called him peeping and listening every few hours, after about 4 hours I tried running some water through another hole helping to scare him out. I had a flashlight aimed in the hole for hours hoping he could see the light and run back. I was giving up all hope after about 6 or so hours.

Then I grabbed my husbands fishtape and decided to shove that in the hole. After I got it in there about 10 feet jiggiling it around.

Out pops a chicken He followed the wire out and boy he was happy to see me poor thing.

What a relief.
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I am so happy that your story had a happy ending!

Time to fill those holes up girl!
* Oy vay!! -- Better name that one "Trouble", and have one of those key-finder thingys implanted. When you whistle, he'll "whistle" back and you can figure out where he's at. (Yes, I'm betting roo. )
What a story! I'm so glad you didn't give up on him! That was smart thinking.

My Bebe was the naughty girl at our house when she was younger. Whenever my husband would tell me some outlandish story about something one of the chicks had done last year, I'd always say, "It was Bebe, wasn't it?" I think she's finally mellowed.

Years ago, my troublemaker was Rita. She liked to go over fences! I think there's one in every flock.

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