Chicken laying two eggs a day?


9 Years
Apr 24, 2014
United States
I have 2 barred rocks laying. One has peewee/small eggs and just started, and the other one has larger eggs. I feed my chickens ALOT but they are not obese. Anyways... I like spending time with my chickens and just watching them. Yesterday I got 3 eggs from my 2 Barred Rocks. 2 Medium size 1 peewee/small size.

At noon I went out and collected 2 eggs. I peewee/small and 1 medium. Later during that day I went outside at around 4 or 5. I was giving them food. Camellia was scratching in the nesting box when the others were eating. I looked inside and no eggs. I come back in 10 min and egg! My Camellia (barred rock) who is laying the medium eggs has laid another medium egg (she was also laying on it). But she laid it at like 5-6PM???

Is it normal for barred rocks to be laying two eggs a day? Maybe 2 or 3 times a week she has laid two eggs in one day!? I give them no UV or light during the night...

I have 4 chickens but I have been watching them and they have not been in that mating position when I reach down nor scratching and going in and out from the nesting box. I know they aren't laying because they lay dark brown eggs.

(Camellia is the Barred Rock who is laying the medium eggs.)
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It is very uncommon for chickens to lay more than one egg a day. Are the small eggs you are getting normal eggs, do they have yolks etc? Occasionally wind/fart eggs are laid around the same time as a normal egg. I would guess that you have more than two pullets laying eggs if it is happening two or three times a week. Not all pullets will squat for you. What breed do you have that lays dark brown eggs... not all hens will lay the egg color they are supposed to, you may have a pullet that is laying lighter eggs than she should.
I have heard of chickens laying 2 eggs in a day but not regularly.. I would reconsider it being another chicken..
The smaller eggs I am getting are normal with yolk. They are being laid by one hen who just started. I get one of those every other day. I have 1 white rock who is never going into the house during the day. I also have a Welsummer who is not even going in during the day. All I see is Camellia going in and out usually in the morning and afternoon and occasionally Meanie the other barred rock who is laying the smaller eggs.

One of the chickens is laying an egg in the afternoon. A couple times a week. I suspect it was Camellia because she was the one scratching in the nesting box when I was feeding the chickens and then 10 minutes later she was sitting on an egg which was not there when I checked the nesting box 10 minutes before one of them laid it.

Someone told me barred rocks lay awkward egg and egg cycles when they start laying. But you may be right....
Camellia has been laying for like 3 weeks now. She started laying an egg every other day and then started laying everyday. Then on the 8th there was an egg laid in the afternoon and the same yesterday.
I have a pullet who was laying 2 eggs every other day when she first started laying; one medium sized and the second was about the size of a grape. She would lay them one right after the other. At first, I thought it was 2 different pullets that coincidentally started laying around the same time but when I was continously getting the 2 eggs every other day but never saw the second pullet in the coop when the first was in the nest I wondered whether doubles were possible. I started checking the nests a lot more often to make sure they were always empty and closing the coop whenever I saw the one I knew to be laying was in the nest to figure out if she was actually laying double eggs or if the other pullet was sneaking in every time.

Sure enough, the one was laying doubles. She outgrew it after a month or so, once her body got used to the process.

I've also heard/read about girls laying them sometime in the night and laying a second the following morning/afternoon.

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