
9 Years
Jul 23, 2015
Williams lake, bc
Hey I just went out to the coop and noticed one of my gold laced Brahma didn't look well she is really slow moving and she laid on the ground while the other girls where pecking the ground. I did notice that her neck looks different than the others, her beak is closer to her body. What could be happening, could she have a flu or could it be my rooster playing to rough? I am going give her some sugar water to get her energy up more
I checked for lice and there is non. But I do notice she is Wobbly when she dose walk

I can't really see anything wrong in those pictures, other than her head being "drawn in". She's obviously not feeling well though, with the lethargy and wobbling. I would separate her so I could keep a close eye on her. You might also consider heading to your local farm store to try to find some NutiDrench. It streamlines directly into the blood stream and is perfect for a quick, much needed boost.
If you separate her, it might be helpful to report back with a picture or description of the poops she's leaving and any other symptoms, if you notice them.

Sorry, I don't really have anything else to offer, but maybe this response will bump your post up so someone else sees it.

Good luck, I hope she feels better soon!
First thing I always check with a sick hen is for egg binding. This will have them fluffed up, a bit of diarrhea and looking poorly over all. Put on a latex glove with some KY Jelly or Vaseline on the index finger and go straight back into the vent. If she has stuck egg, it will be right there. Any further back than 2 inches and she is not egg bound. (egg would then still be in the uterus getting the shell on). If she is egg bound, you will want to jump on this quick. Get her soaking in warm water in your sink for 15 mins. Get some human calcium into her too. Tums will work as well. Break the pieces up and put them in raisins or some sort of berry. You can check out my article on Egg Binding in my signature for more help with this.

If she is not egg bound she could be wormy. Has she been eating and drinking ok lately? And have you wormed your birds recently? If not, you might get all of them wormed. Worms eat all the food that a bird consumes, the bird looses weight, becomes thin, gets diarrhea, the worms multiply to huge proportions and kills the bird. I like to use Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer. You can also use the Safeguard Equine Paste. Either of these can be purchased at most feed stores and even Walmart.

If you have wormed and don't suspect them, then you might consider she has Coccidiosis. Get some Corid in the water for 5 to 7 days. You can get this stuff at most feed stores. Cocci will have them all fluffed up, standing up, weak, not eating or drinking and sometimes blood in the poop but not always.

Keep us posted! :)
First thing I always check with a sick hen is for egg binding. This will have them fluffed up, a bit of diarrhea and looking poorly over all. Put on a latex glove with some KY Jelly or Vaseline on the index finger and go straight back into the vent. If she has stuck egg, it will be right there. Any further back than 2 inches and she is not egg bound. (egg would then still be in the uterus getting the shell on). If she is egg bound, you will want to jump on this quick. Get her soaking in warm water in your sink for 15 mins. Get some human calcium into her too. Tums will work as well. Break the pieces up and put them in raisins or some sort of berry. You can check out my article on Egg Binding in my signature for more help with this.

If she is not egg bound she could be wormy. Has she been eating and drinking ok lately? And have you wormed your birds recently? If not, you might get all of them wormed. Worms eat all the food that a bird consumes, the bird looses weight, becomes thin, gets diarrhea, the worms multiply to huge proportions and kills the bird. I like to use Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer. You can also use the Safeguard Equine Paste. Either of these can be purchased at most feed stores and even Walmart.

If you have wormed and don't suspect them, then you might consider she has Coccidiosis. Get some Corid in the water for 5 to 7 days. You can get this stuff at most feed stores. Cocci will have them all fluffed up, standing up, weak, not eating or drinking and sometimes blood in the poop but not always.

Keep us posted! :)
Definitely get her wormed and while you are at the feed store, pick up some Corid for the Coccidiosis too. Never hurts to have this stuff around anyway.

The liquid goat wormer is dosed for this size of bird: 1/2 ml orally down the throat. (You will need an empty syringe, no needle) Once a day for 4 or 5 days straight. Repeat in 10 days.

For the paste, a pea sized dolop on a piece of bread once a day for 4 or 5 days. Repeat in ten days.
Definitely get her wormed and while you are at the feed store, pick up some Corid for the Coccidiosis too. Never hurts to have this stuff around anyway.

The liquid goat wormer is dosed for this size of bird: 1/2 ml orally down the throat. (You will need an empty syringe, no needle) Once a day for 4 or 5 days straight. Repeat in 10 days.

For the paste, a pea sized dolop on a piece of bread once a day for 4 or 5 days. Repeat in ten days.
could i use the equine ivemecton orally?because thats what i have.. and could you over dose them
Definitely get her wormed and while you are at the feed store, pick up some Corid for the Coccidiosis too. Never hurts to have this stuff around anyway. 

The liquid goat wormer is dosed for this size of bird: 1/2 ml orally down the throat. (You will need an empty syringe, no needle) Once a day for 4 or 5 days straight. Repeat in 10 days.

For the paste, a pea sized dolop on a piece of bread once a day for 4 or 5 days. Repeat in ten days. 

could i use the equine ivemecton orally?because thats what i have.. and could you over dose them

Yes, you can use it, but it's not a very good poultry de-wormer. If she were mine the most I would give is 0.02ml per pound.


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