Chicken lost an eye :(


In the Brooder
May 7, 2016
Hey guys! So my 13mo old hen Wonky just lost an eye. It's already scabbed over because I didn't catch it at first. She also has screwed up feet. Is there anything I can/should do? I found her on her back. Right now she's isolated in the big dog kennel, with dirt, lots of hay for bedding, water, and some food.
Any tips would be much appreciated!
How are her feet screwed up? If you can, a picture might be helpful. If she can still walk alright, there shouldn't be a problem.
As for her eye, it's definitely better to keep her isolated until she heals. The other chickens will be pecking at her scab and making it worse if you put her back right away. If it gets infected, don't use regular antibiotic ointment (It is usually petrolatum based that will and can cause secondary infection) - Terramycin eye ointment should work though, it can typically be found at a feed store. As long as there is no infection, your girl should do just fine and will be back in the coop in no time. If an infection gets very bad or she starts acting weird, it would be wise to take her to the vet because she might have brain damage.
One of my boys lost an eye during winter (he was about 8 months old) and nowadays he's still doing fine. As long as they're isolated until they're back to health, life with only one eye should be just as difficult as life with two eyes, lol. I hope I was somewhat helpful, good luck!
Thank you so much!
Her toes are crooked, she falls over sometimes. She keeps sprawling out, is she just sunbathing?
Thank you for the pictures! Yeah, it looks like her eye will be just fine - but the foot definitely looks pretty bad. I've seen chickens sprawl out when they've been injured, she's probably trying to keep weight off of it if she's not just losing her balance and falling down. I do hate to suggest it but I don't know if an injury like that will heal properly - She might be permanently crippled, especially since she probably can't perch. Still, isolation is best until you're sure she's alright. She might have to actually be an indoor bird if she still can't walk properly, I don't see her be able to coexist with her flock if she can't walk or perch. I don't know too much about caring for mangled feet so I wish I could be more help, but I hope I was a little helpful.
Oh no... I hope we don't have to put her down. She's my pet :(
I am going to try and talk my father into letting us isolate her with a duck for company. One of her wings is STILL being favored but I don't know how she hurt it!!
I noticed she was missing yesterday night so this morning I headed out. I saw her dustbathing and she rolled and couldn't get up. Did she just roll on it wrong? I picked her up and she seemed dazed and is still acting weird. Luckily she laid though, so she isn't egg bound.

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