Chicken Math??? is there a regents exam?


How is the weather there now? I have had to put 2 fans in the coop and run a mister in the run, we have been having a terrible heat wave. Where abouts in Arizona do you live and do you have a hard time keeping your chooks cool?

i think its so fun! cant wait to get more and chicken multiply... (my husband is a big supporter of more chickens because it keeps my mind from having my own babies for the time being hehehe)

I wish it was still warm here... were is the 60s / 70s.. it feels unusually cold here (thats probably because im not ready to let summer go!) I really want a warm day so i can take the babies out to explore the grass... I did it once but they really need an exploration afternoon. maybe this weekend!!

How is the weather there now? I have had to put 2 fans in the coop and run a mister in the run, we have been having a terrible heat wave. Where abouts in Arizona do you live and do you have a hard time keeping your chooks cool?


We live in the high desert area of AZ, way out in the boonies. About 4000 ft. in elevation. Right now there's a system moving through that is keeping it cool and cloudy, but it's been HOT! Lol!

I think the highest temp we had this year was 114. The best way I've found to keep our chickens as cool as possible, since they free range a lot during the day, is to put frozen water bottles in their waterers, give them frozen fruit as a treat and keep a sprinkler running during the hottest part of the day under some huge Sycamore trees where they hang out a lot. They like to hang around in the grass near the sprinkler.

This next summer is going to be different because we just got 27 chicks that are heavier breeds ( Our first flock was comprised of Silver Spangled Hamburgs only). The new girls won't be free ranging so much and I'll probably set up box fans in their run along with all the other things we did this summer for our other flock. They have a 2500 sf run with a lot of it being under trees, but it still gets very hot. I might put a small wading pool in there and see if they like it...
i think its so fun! cant wait to get more and chicken multiply... (my husband is a big supporter of more chickens because it keeps my mind from having my own babies for the time being hehehe)

I wish it was still warm here... were is the 60s / 70s.. it feels unusually cold here (thats probably because im not ready to let summer go!) I really want a warm day so i can take the babies out to explore the grass... I did it once but they really need an exploration afternoon. maybe this weekend!!

The more kids you have, though, the more people there will be to eat eggs and therefore you will need more chickens...
We live in the high desert area of AZ, way out in the boonies. About 4000 ft. in elevation. Right now there's a system moving through that is keeping it cool and cloudy, but it's been HOT! Lol!

I think the highest temp we had this year was 114. The best way I've found to keep our chickens as cool as possible, since they free range a lot during the day, is to put frozen water bottles in their waterers, give them frozen fruit as a treat and keep a sprinkler running during the hottest part of the day under some huge Sycamore trees where they hang out a lot. They like to hang around in the grass near the sprinkler.

This next summer is going to be different because we just got 27 chicks that are heavier breeds ( Our first flock was comprised of Silver Spangled Hamburgs only). The new girls won't be free ranging so much and I'll probably set up box fans in their run along with all the other things we did this summer for our other flock. They have a 2500 sf run with a lot of it being under trees, but it still gets very hot. I might put a small wading pool in there and see if they like it...
Ok, I will quit whining about a mere 95 degree heat wave here. I guess I need to count my blessings! 114 wowsers

Your huge run sounds great. Do you have to have a top on it also? I would love to see pictures of that massive run. We have a ton of predators here, bobcats, coyotes, fox, rattlesnakes, hawks and so on. We have several big runs but we had to put tops on them to keep out the climbers and hawks. What kind of chicks did you get?
Ok, I will quit whining about a mere 95 degree heat wave here. I guess I need to count my blessings! 114 wowsers

Your huge run sounds great. Do you have to have a top on it also? I would love to see pictures of that massive run. We have a ton of predators here, bobcats, coyotes, fox, rattlesnakes, hawks and so on. We have several big runs but we had to put tops on them to keep out the climbers and hawks. What kind of chicks did you get?

Lol! 95 is nothing to sneeze at either.

We don't have a top on it yet, but it will have something by the time they are big enough to get out there. We have lots of predators too, recently lost a few of our free ranging chickens to a bobcat. :-( The darn thing came right in during the middle of the day!

We got 13 Dark Cornish, 4 Delawares, 3 Black Australorps, 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Brown Leghorns and we have a Cuckoo Marans rooster that we'll put with them when they get big enough. It's really interesting to see the mix of different chicks interacting, they all have such distinctive personalities. :)
Lol! 95 is nothing to sneeze at either.

We don't have a top on it yet, but it will have something by the time they are big enough to get out there. We have lots of predators too, recently lost a few of our free ranging chickens to a bobcat. :-( The darn thing came right in during the middle of the day!

We got 13 Dark Cornish, 4 Delawares, 3 Black Australorps, 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Brown Leghorns and we have a Cuckoo Marans rooster that we'll put with them when they get big enough. It's really interesting to see the mix of different chicks interacting, they all have such distinctive personalities. :)
I guess I could of read that along with your posts at the bottom....Sounds like a great mix. I also had a bobcat coming in broad daylight taking full size chickens. I have not seen it in a while so it must of moved on.
I love Cuckoo Marans Roos, they are so very handsome. Yes, the personalities are fun to watch.
I have 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Golden Sexlinks, 1 Jersey Giant, 5 Silkies, 1 Sultan, 1 Americana, 1 Blue Cochin, 2 Polish hens, 1 Polish roo, 1 Black tailed Buff Bantam Japanese, 2 Russion Orloffs, 1 Leghorn, 1 Bantam Frizzle, 1 Silver Laced Bantam Cochin, 1 Bantam Black Cochin, 1 Black Cochin roo, 1 Brabanter teen, and 8 mixed chicks!
Wow, I am sure I forgot someone there but I would have to go and look to be sure. Talk about personalities. They are a hoot for sure, only one broody is separated, the others are all raising their chicks with the main flock. The silkies are still a little skittish of the other flock members and kind of stick to themselves. The bantam roo picks on the polish roo so I may have to rehome one of them but other than that they all get along pretty well.
They keep me busy along with my 6 Yorkies.
Happy chickening!
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