Chicken Math. Or "The story of how I didn't want chickens and got hooked"

Went out to let the kids out this morning and found our Mottled Java, "Peepers" had not survived the night. This AZ heat is brutal. Even with misters, ice, lots of shade, wading puddles, fans, and frozen treats, it's going to be a very long summer.

Don't think I'll replace her though. I've got a hold on a couple more Isbars and a couple OE's that I'll pick up this weekend, and I've got a good number of brown layers now.
We breed moulted Java. They are beautiful upon maturity. Sorry for your loss. We have been incubating ours as well as broody hens. We have better success in a controlled environment. Us anyway. We also breed Wyandotte's and Barred Rocks and a little barnyard X's. But the Moulted Java's offspring are by far the most strongest and rambunctious of what we have. They are so docile.
This past weekend, had a major humidity malfunction in our bator and had twenty or so Java's drown during peeping process. Horrible. Discarding almost 2 dozen heavyweight eggs full of chicks.
The hygrometer lied to us. The balance of the batch that wouldn't fit into the bator was placed under our broody hen and 4 out of 7 made it. Ups and downs of creating new life.
Again sorry for your loss and do know how you must feel. Keep trying!
An assorted pile of peepers. Some Isbars, Ameraucaunas, OE, Polish, a Cochin frizzle and BLRW all in the grow-out coop for a few more weeks.
I just went through your whole thread. Even though there was a little sadness me and my wife had a great time laughing! We started last fall with 4 and through our losses and gains we now have 4 adult Orpington hens, 1 Roo, 11 of their babies and 3 Silkies. Chicken math definitely adds up quick, although ours isn't adding as fast as yours!

We have been having a great time too and one day we hope to do like you, acquire a little bigger property and expand our hobby. Here's a few pics of some of ours.
Looking forward to more of your story!!!


Sometimes interesting things happen when chickens are involved. Yesterday afternoon we ended up rescuing an 18 month old Maran mix of some sort. Her owner put up a plea on a FB group I belong to for AZ chicken keepers asking for someone to come take her as 3 or her more dominant girls were beating this poor clucker up. It was so bad she wouldn't leave the coop and it's too hot here for that.

She looks like hell, but she's very docile and likes to be held. Plus, she's consistently laying, even after getting beaten on a daily baisis

Soooo, she's in a crate inside the house as quarantine for a few days, then out to the small coop so the girls can meet her. I expect she'll be totally integrated in by end of the week. Hopefully they won't pick on her because of how ratty she looks. It'll be months before all the plucked feathers grow back in I expect.
This story was great! I read this to my husband and this is exactly us, although reversed. He wanted chickens, not me. We got our first 7 adults from a friend who didn't want them anymore. Over time we lost 4 for various reasons. This past February we ordered 14 various breeds for a variety. So they sent 7 extra makes. . Again after a few losses and rehoming the males we made an emergency trip to a local feed store and got 6 more. The chicken math has seemed to stop now but I (who didn't want chickens) constantly look at the various breeds we still want.

Who knew chickens would be so addicting.

You have a beautiful flock. Enjoy all the beauties.

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