Chicken Names!

It's to dark to post pictures right now and I'm on a laptop so I can't share any pics. Also I have over 24 chickens so I'l just post my favorites.

1. Rooster- Named Cookie. He's my favorite chicken, sweetest boy ever. He is a gentleman to his ladies and to the human, he'll run up to you, wait to be held and let you cuddle with him, he never squirms around. He use to look brown with white spots on his breast but now he is multicolored so his name kind of lost property.

2. Winnie- She has always been one of my favorites, she is white with checkered brown spots. She doesn't like being held very often but she loves climbing onto laps and eating from your hands.

3. Justice- She is a pure buff silkie. She is a very sweet and curious girl, always making us laugh.

4. Sugar - Sugar is a pure white silkie. She is sweet and lovable, but not the brightest. She has such a cute and funny personality.

5. Paige- She is a really funny girl. She is an RIR x Bantam. She is always making this weird cluck noise and walks in the funniest way, she isn't the brightest either and she is very curious.
1 australorp rooster named coop
2 australorp hens named penny and nickel
1 gold comet named goldy locks because her rear feathers are like what a blond laced wyandotte would be.
1 gold comet named snow white because a visible patch of white feathers only on right wing.
1 gold wyandotte named wynnieView attachment 1997134 View attachment 1997135 View attachment 1997136
2 gold comets yet to be named
2 RIR un named because I cant tell the difference
They're beautiful!
I have too many to tell -- all of my birds have names because of the longstanding rule that one does not eat one's critters once they are named. However ... I'll tell anyway.

Honey, the last of my original hens, is a Buff Orpington whose lovely coloring made me rename her when I rehomed her from a 4-H'er; Buffy did not seem sophisticated enough for her. Only Marietta, the Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte, has kept the name she had when I acquired her.

Sir Henry the Loud, the regal and only rooster, is a beautiful Iowa Blue who likes to begin crowing at about 4 a.m. in the winter, earlier in the warmer months. His only surviving daughters were named -- Pip (because she had a bit of an issue getting out of the shell) and Squeak (because someone other than me thought that would be a funny pairing).

Often, the girls have named based on their country of origin, sometimes influenced by movies, books or friends I like. Bronwyn, for example, is a Speckled Sussex, so she needed a British name -- which is also the name of a famous cake baker AND a little girl in a movie.

Brave queen Eleanor of Aquitaine was the inspiration for my Midnight Majesty Maran; Camille and Celeste are the Faverolles; Vanna and Petra are Sapphire Gems. Lottie, in addition to being a nice Dutch name for my Welsumer, was also named for Del Lott, a good friend who passed away in 2019.

The Buckeyes are Althea (a name I've liked since a long-ago soap opera), Beatrix (full name of "Trixie" name on "Call the Midwife:) and Cordelia (wish I could say that was from classical literature, but no, another TV show).

Dottie, my failure-to-launch house chicken (yes, I will try AGAIN to move her outdoors in the spring when it's warm and she learns to not fear other chickens), is both named because she is a bit crazy and because I like the Australian TV show, "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries," in which Dottie is Miss Fisher's assistant.

Evie and Audrey, the flamboyant Easter Eggers, have their names taken from the stage name of a flamboyant drag queen.

Gabby, the red frizzle Cochin Bantam, loves to vocalize and offer her opinion on everything. Her coop mate, a barred Cochin Bantam, is the only one I can't rationalize at all. I just liked the name Sally.
Some of this is hilarious. Tell me more about Dottie!!
It's to dark to post pictures right now and I'm on a laptop so I can't share any pics. Also I have over 24 chickens so I'l just post my favorites.

1. Rooster- Named Cookie. He's my favorite chicken, sweetest boy ever. He is a gentleman to his ladies and to the human, he'll run up to you, wait to be held and let you cuddle with him, he never squirms around. He use to look brown with white spots on his breast but now he is multicolored so his name kind of lost property.

2. Winnie- She has always been one of my favorites, she is white with checkered brown spots. She doesn't like being held very often but she loves climbing onto laps and eating from your hands.

3. Justice- She is a pure buff silkie. She is a very sweet and curious girl, always making us laugh.

4. Sugar - Sugar is a pure white silkie. She is sweet and lovable, but not the brightest. She has such a cute and funny personality.

5. Paige- She is a really funny girl. She is an RIR x Bantam. She is always making this weird cluck noise and walks in the funniest way, she isn't the brightest either and she is very curious.
That sounds so cute. We have a hen - I didn't mention her in the list - but she gabbles away so much in Hennish... I bet Paige and her would get on great!!
Since you asked, My Pretty Pekins, Dottie was given to me in the fall by the feed store I frequent because she was the only layer chick left in a pen of bigger, bullying broilers. I decided to brood the unidentified breed chick in the house, as usual, then move her outside.

But, I had never had a single chick before, and she seriously imprinted on me. While she is fearless in running off house cats and dogs, stands her ground with ducks and geese during her "field trips" outdoors, she is terrified of other chickens.

I tried putting her in a coop with a hen that needed a friend. Pip was caged in a critter crate inside the coop and Dottie was allowed full run of the A-frame. In the morning, Pip had a bloody face and Dottie couldn't wait to hop onto my lap.

It got too cold to put her out by herself, so she roosts on the back of a rocking chair at night and gets locked into a large dog crate when no one is home. However, in the spring, she HAS to go outside. HAS to.

I'm going through tons of paper products, cleaning up her messes, and I have to lock her up when I want to eat because she will steal anything off my plate or out of my mouth. On the other hand, she makes the sweetest little noises just before she falls asleep on top of me when I'm napping. I have a created a (cute) monster.

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