Chicken neck attack!! Help!

It looks like the crop is exposed. Make sure there isn't a hole in the crop. If so, put her down or get a vet to sew her up. If it is just an open wound, keep it clean--check daily. Antibacterial soap and gentle washing daily. cover with neosporin. Keep food and water close by and don't reintroduce until she is completely healed!

I was trying to look at anatomically correct pictures of crops and can't tell whether it is her crop or not. It just looks like yellow fat chunks that are exposed but I'm not 100% sure..
Oh my! She appears alert to me. I also would wait and see. Definitely keep her warm and away from the other birds. She also does not appear in shock IMO. That is quite a wound and keeping it clean will be very important.

4 days ago my chicken , Sweetheart , was attacked by a Fisher. He actually ATE through my chicken wire and dragged her out of the hole he made in the wire. She appeared dead with a neck injury. She also had a blank look on her face and did not eat until TODAY!!! I brought her in my home and put her in a wire crate. Tried feeding her by hand and she just looked off into space and moved her little beak. Today she started pecking at the ground so i fed her canned fruit and a little cheese. She is not out of the woods yet but certainly has a fighting chance. Her wounds were not as extensive as your chicken. If you have a vet who could stitch her maybe that would be
a suggestion. However, don't give up....if she takes a turn for the worst you will notice it for sure and :hugscould then choose to put her down. We certainly learn about resiliency and courage from our chickens. Maybe keep your other chickens locked up for a bit to discourage the predator.
Best of luck to you.....I will be rooting for your courageous girl. Regards,

Thank you!! <3 :hugs

So sorry to hear about your hen, Sweetheart!! :( Hoping she pulls through too! I have been extremely lucky & this is actually our very first predator attack. :( It would happen the one night one of my hens decided to not go in the coop.:thUghh..

I have patched her all up and luckily my toddler's clothes appear to fit her.. she is not happy but it does seem to help keep the dressing on her wound and possibly blend in her bandages a bit better. ;) Hoping she makes a full recovery!! <3
One of my other concerns is if she gets Pneumonia. She was out alllllll last night in the cold and rain. :( it was in the 50's last night and she was completely soaked to the bone this morning. :( She's a tough hen though to survive the night with that laceration and being out in the elements. I'm hoping she has the strength to pull through. She is already eating again which is a good sign. :)
Update: went to flush her wound & check on her. Mood seems pretty good, she was alert, walking around, clucking, etc. I even saw her eat and drink with no food or water coming out so her crop is not punctured which is great. Her stools look normal but only slightly smaller than normal which is to be expected.

Bad news: After closer inspection, her crop is INDEED exposed and to be honest, I *think* part of her esophagus may be too. :( The wound looks a bit more extensive than I thought from yesterday. I was looking at the flaps of skin to see if it was possible to stitch her up & whatever attacked her, got a big piece which is what's missing so I'm not too sure how to close her up?? I have never stitched up anything and am a terrible seamstress. I called our closest farm vet and he said she would need anesthesia to be stitched up and starting costs are $100+ for the anesthesia, stitches, etc.. :(

I'm kinda at a loss as of what to do. She appears to be in good spirits but I honestly think she definitely needs to be closed up with her crop and possible esophagus exposure.

I was looking at other exposed crop threads and someone mentioned that the crop can actually dry out and start to decay if left open?? Again, I'm not an expert here so I honestly don't know. :( Her crop sack already has a slight leathery look to some parts of it that are dry.

I'm worried if she doesn't get stitches she will be risking a huge infection and her crop and/or esophagus will decay but I'm also worried about the stress of putting her through the surgery and antibiotic injections and the IF she survives. Also the cost doesn't sound too cheap. :( Then there's the possibility of pneumonia from being out in the rain all night. I feel awful because she seems so normal but I'm thinking it may be best to put her down. :(

Any input?? Anyone??
These were taken after I irrigated her wound with warm soapy water so some loose feathering from her wound clipping came out. I need to clean it up again.

When she stretches her neck up and out similar to a rooster crowing, you can see her neck muscles or the exposed esophagus (can't tell whichever it is??)

It's a fleshy tube that runs vertical and has definitive vertical running lines up it?? (Not really sure how to describe it. :/) it looks like it connects to the crop but I can't tell 100%..

I'm not ready to give up on her yet. :( I just don't want to prolong any unnecessary suffering if the surgery and recovery is going to be too extensive on her to where she doesn't make it regardless of the surgery or not. :(

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