Chicken neck attack!! Help!

Between the research you do and your common sense, I trust your opinion more than most vets... j/s... :D
Yes true and the threads where casportpony has performed surgeries, etc. When I was little I wanted to be a vet, but I honestly don't think I'm cut out for it.

Anabariful -- you're a brave soul and your hen seems to be doing well so far.
I had a show RIR split her head open by getting it stuck in the crate for transport. Could literally see her skull and muscles, went almost all around her head. Cleaned her up, and had it stitched up by a vet and gave antibiotics for two weeks. She lived to be 7, though of course I could never enter her in shows again, but she was a great layer and laid at least 3 eggs a week until she died and old spoiled hen.
You've had a lot of good input here. I think weighing daily is an excellent suggestion. I would say that as long as she's eating, drinking, moving around and seeming fairly comfortable, and if you're able to keep taking care of her, then keep on doing what you can for her. If she starts to decline, then you know what to do.

You are the only one who can make the decision to keep trying or put her down. There really isn't a wrong answer here. If you feel it's in her best interest to put her down now, it's OK.
A HUGE thank you to everyone for the responses!! It means the world! <3

Talked to hubs who is on his way home from work and he agreed that he's up for trying to do "surgery." Can anyone point us in the right direction for stitching? Needle type and size? Thread type? We live in a tiny country dirt town that basically only has a cvs and Walmart. :/ can I get the supplies there? We have the basic stuff like latex gloves, gauze, etc. What else will we need?

Also, surgery with no anesthesia.. :S do we just towel her?? Cover her eyes and very very carefully stitch? I'm terrified of hurting her. She's probably already in an extreme amount of pain. :(
A HUGE thank you to everyone for the responses!! It means the world! <3

Talked to hubs who is on his way home from work and he agreed that he's up for trying to do "surgery." Can anyone point us in the right direction for stitching? Needle type and size? Thread type? We live in a tiny country dirt town that basically only has a cvs and Walmart. :/ can I get the supplies there? We have the basic stuff like latex gloves, gauze, etc. What else will we need?

Also, surgery with no anesthesia.. :S do we just towel her?? Cover her eyes and very very carefully stitch? I'm terrified of hurting her. She's probably already in an extreme amount of pain. :(
do you have or can you get curved upholstery needles, (will make stitching easier), can use needle nose pliers as a needle driver, would use a thick upholstery thread. Only stitch the outside of the bird as you will have to remove the stitches in a week or so, when the area is healed. Make sure everything inside the area you are stitching is cleaned with normal saline ( get at CVS) Do Not leave anything foreign inside the hen when you stitch her up. Try to clean as many of your tools as you can with betadine or alcohol prior to use. Good luck, let us know how you are doing.
May I suggest that you pluck all feathers 1/2" from the edge of the wound before you suture? Gently pluck one at a time in the direction they grow.

Does plucking cause her pain? :( Sorry for asking. I did cut the ones around her wound really short, about an inch or two. Should I still pluck?

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