Chicken Newbie...any idea what type of chickens I have??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 7, 2010
Southeast AL
My dh decided he was going to get some chickens (after a long time of trying to convince me...Now I am addicted!). We went to the local Tractor Supply and bought 6 chicks. 1 has since passed thanks to sneaking out and the Jack Russell attacking it in front of my 3 kids! Yikes!
Anyway....I am going to post some pics of them and hopefully someone can give me some ideas as to what they may be...most likely they are mutts! LOL. The big white one I am guessing is a meat chicken? She is a ravenous eater and has huge legs and is growing like she is on steroids! We appropriately named her Big Momma! LOL....Thanks in advance! Oh they are approximately 4 weeks old


Big Momma and Dot


All the girls (at least I hope they are girls!)

The large white one (big mama) looks like a cornish x, which is a meat bird. I think the first pic is a rhode island red, and it looks like a boy. The others look like girls except the black one could be a male black sex link, which the product of a red rooster over a barred hen. The babies are then sexed by color at hatching.
uummm...u might have 2 roos...altho i dont know much...i just got my first chickies also...but i think the 2 w/ the bigger pinker combs might be the for what breeds...dunno...dont even know what mine someone w/ more experience w/ notify u...have fun
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Looks like we may be renaming a few!!! Thanks for the info!

Here are some of their "baby" pictures...about 2 weeks old.

The third white one is no longer with us


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First of all...
Big Momma is a Cornish X. I think one is a RIR or Red sexlink. My other guesses are Barred Rock or male sex link, partridge rock, and white rock. This is fun!
Be careful what you feed Big Momma. Cornish X are bred to grow super fast, and unless you keep them on a strict diet her heart won't be able to keep up with her growing body and she will die. Some make it over a year, though. Sorry to sound depressing. Good luck w/ them!
Ok...I got some better pictures this afternoon. Maybe this will help! Thanks for the info so far!

"Red" lol


No name...but one of my favorites next to Red

The first one does look like a RIR, I got one last year and I love her. She is my best egg layer and they are always fertile(which is a huge bonus when you are incubating) I thought mine was a roo last year too and I posted pics of her around this age and got mixed reviews on the sex, so keep your fingers crossed, she might be a she:) They have really large combs and most of my RIR's babies I just hatched have really large combs too. Good luck
"Red" is a RIR roo.

"Big Mama" is a Cornish X.

"Dot" might be a White Rock?

The barred one is a chicken, that is all i know.

the last one could be a Partridge Rock?

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