Chicken Shaming to Lighten the Mood

Peep and I refuse to go roost when everyone else does (must be a silkie thing) We like to stay up with our humans. But then my gas ran out in the middle of the kitchen floor.
View attachment 1945110
Funny to find this today. Had a silkie acting strangely not going in to roost seeming confused and lethargic so I brought her in to examine her get her fed (crop was empty at bed time) and observe and evaluate her. She layed a shell less egg. Her first she was a older pullet now she is a active wanting to go home hen. she just worried her chickie daddy.
I broke my leg about a month ago and am still in a cast. My human came in and got upset when she saw me. I was only taking a freakin‘ nap!
That's our Styles, loves to saddle up View attachment 2077080even if it's backwards!
Styles is the Brahma Silky explosion.
Snape, the RIR, was the same until 8 months old. Lol

Sorry, I’m on mobile, so maybe that’s the problem (other than my age and poor eye sight lol!) but what am I missing here?

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