chicken swap july 10th mason nh!


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
their will be a chicken swap in mason nh at the town hall july 10th from 9am to 1pm bring chicks chickens ducks geese quail goats sheep rabbits and any small animal like that also bring any supplies or jellies or jams anything like that if you need info or directions ask! thank you
I will keep this in mind if I can't give away my accidental RIR cockerel(s) on 6/27 in Townsend MA. I hear they can be hard to find a home for

I am currently in NE'ern CT but I grew up in, and my parents live right down the road, in Greenville
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Did you grow up in Mason and go to Mascenic? I am 35, any chance you are around my age? or no? I see your name is Ben and there was Ben that comes to mind, but no idea if it is you. Without giving too much personal info out online, his last name started with a C (Ben's I mean)
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no i didnt go to mascenic and i home school yes i have lived in mason all my life

Edit to remove age for internet safety.
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