I hope so.

So I have a couple of white showgirl chicks. Should I bring any?
and partridege silkie.
Hey folks!

Well, it looks like I'm going to try again to get up there this weekend... everyone keep your fingers crossed for the health of my friend's truck!

Shay - what type of D'uccles are the two chicks you said you have? How old are they?

Who's the cutie pictured in your post? Brown/partridge-looking with blue eyes...

Also, are you the one who had some Salmon Favorelles you were going to bring last weekend? I may be interested in one of those...

Anyone else have some nice chicks of any of these (all bantams)?

Buff brama
Mille Fleur, mottled, or porcelain d'uccle
Silver Sebright
White or splash silkies
Other cochins/featherfoots

ETA: Oh yeah, did someone say they're good at sexing chicks? Can you show me how to do it? I'm a wildlife biologist type, so I should be a quick learner in this regard.

Thanks everyone - see you soon!

(and btw, yes, you're all nuts. Can't wait to meet ya!)
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i have a few mille fluer d'uccles, few weeks old i cant sex them.

i was confused, are you looking for bantams only?
i also have a few bantam nankins
good luck finding many grown ducks, geesh I cant even seem to hold onto any babys I hatch them out and they sell faster than the incubator can get them motivated.
I am looking for bantams only... I may be mistaken, but I thought all d'uccles are bantams. Is that correct?

Did you breed the mille fluers yourself, or are they extras from someone else? I'm hoping for a couple of gals with more white than red... I know, I'm picky!
I am looking for bantams only... I may be mistaken, but I thought all d'uccles are bantams. Is that correct?

Did you breed the mille fluers yourself, or are they extras from someone else? I'm hoping for a couple of gals with more white than red... I know, I'm picky!

yes they are bantams
i hatched them myself, straight run
Ok I have
Mottled cochins chicks not sexed about a week and half old.
white silkie chicks not sexed about week and half old.
black silkie chick
I think the one that i thought was a mottled i think it is a blue cochin.

I can try to sex them but no garantees.

and was this question for me? Or some one else. sorry
Who's the cutie pictured in your post? Brown/partridge-looking with blue eyes...

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