Chicken Terrifies Boy in Florida

I thought it was cute too. Not inappropriate at all. It was a real life situation and it was caught on tape! Cute little guy and tame chickens too!
For what it's worth and in the sake of accuracy, I see now afrer watching the first video again that Chickennannie & Southern28chick and I were talking about different parts of different videos in regards to the subject of "scratching". I see that they were actually right. So I apologize. But really, it was so NOT a part of the point of the video I hope that people just don't bother with it, notice it, or ever comment on it again.
I wished I had my video camera in hand yesterday. The little boy who was in the chicken videos--his name is Saul--was outside with his mother yesterday. When he saw me and the chickens across the parking lot, he took it completely upon himself to toddle on over (about 100' +) without his mother or anyone. I was surprised because all the chickens were together in one big group pecking up the cracked corn I threw down on the ground. I didn't think he would want to get in the middle of that. But he comes up to the whole flock and stands only about three feet away. He wanted to do something with them, but he wasn't sure. After a few seconds he reached down to pet the tail of one who was facing away from him. Of course, as soon as the chicken felt anything--and as they have eyes in the back of their heads--that particular chicken turned around as if to say, "Hey! What the hell are you doing??" So Saul looked up at me and gave a big grin. It was though he instantly recognized that he just did something that gave him superior power over the chickens. Then he went right on trying to pet any chicken that would have him. And of course, none would. They now saw him as a source of danger. It went on for two or three minutes him trying to get one of them. I couldn't stop laughing. It was so funny after those other experiences with him. What a complete turnaround! So I can't wait to get a little video of the new brave Saul. I didn't think his pivotal moment would come this quickly!
How adorable.....the great power that animals have, even something as harmless (not to mention toothless!) as a chicken!!
Congrats on making a new animal-lover out of the little boy!!!
That was very cute. I think he'll be a future chicken owner when he grows up.
For those who are interested in seeing the development of my neighbor's little boy interacting with my chickens, I just posted another video on youtube:
..........titled: "Near Fearless Boy Feeds Chickens!!!!" During the video he does something that surprises me and cracks me up. While he's not completely fearless, the strides that he has made since those first videos (made about 10 days ago) is nearly amazing. Hope you enjoy it.
You go, Saul!!!

When I was his age, I was terrified of the grass, yes....grass!
Being afraid of chickens makes much more sense, atleast to me!

Thanks for sharing Strumhead!


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