Chicken Tractor - Construction Started - Pictures added


12 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Franklinton, NC
I have never in my life built anything for chickens so I'm going to fumble through this starting this week.
-light and easy to move around the yard
-plenty of room for 2-3 hens
-safe for my hens
-lowest maintenance possible.

-PVC framing using zip ties to attach the hardware cloth
-wire bottom to maximize fertilizing and minimize the wrong kind of critter getting in.
-using vents(like for your home) on the sides that are easy to open/close to encourage air flow or keep it warm in the winter.
-2 nesting boxes.
- large enough coop to have food/water
- hinging the whole top of the coop for easy access.

How does this sound so far? I know it isn't very detailed yet...I'm afraid I'll learn the best way of doing it by starting and then adjusting as needed.
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Wire bottom will prevent them from dust bathing. I also read someone's comment that poop gets stuck in the wire.
And they do need to dust bath. Our tractor, that we grew out of, had chicken wire on the inside and heavier gauge wire on the outside. It was shapped like an ark and served us very well.
If the wire is along the bottom and on the ground....if there is a place where there isn't any grass...can't they scratch and dust bathe there? I'm not arguing just trying to understand and clarify.

I figure I'm going to have to clean poop out of the coop either way. I'd much rather spray it off of wire the scrape it off linoleum. LOL
dbcooper, thanks for that website. I really like the design of this one:
I worry that wouldn't keep them warm enough in the winter. I'm in NC and while we rarely get snow we frequently get cold/wet weather for a few months. I love the openness for the summer though. hmmmmmm
If I'm understanding correctly, the wire will cover the ground, right? Like the bottom of a cage? If that is true, they can peck at grass, but the wire will prevent them from digging a hole and dust bathing. They actually dig out depressions in the dirt to dust bathe.
Yes the wire will be along the bottom to prevent predators from getting in. I didn't know they needed a hole. Can I attach a shallow "tray" to the side of one of the walls and put DE in for them to dust bathe?

I've gotten further in my planning. I'm seeing if I can draw it up in Paint so I can illustrate it.

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