Chicken wire & electric fence?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Hillsborough NC
Do you think this would make an effective fence for a run? I am thinking 6 ft tall. Electric wires at 6 12 18 inches and at the top.

We have gray foxes and loose dogs.
Sounds like it should work. Personally I prefer the green coated pool fencing I believe its called. 1" x 2" It seems stronger than chicken wire and it won't rust. It's cheaper than chicken wire too. Atleast here.
We have chicken wire with electric and it works super for keeping everything out...they have tried but can't find a way in without being hurt bad:weee
We have a wire about 3" from the bottom to keep anything from getting under-unless it's very tiny and about 4" from the top so if they were to get into the middle somehow they can't get over the top or between the fence and the wire.
We have opted not to use the coated wire for a few a coon is going to get thru it just as fast and two we want our wire to disappear in the yard but the trade off is that the chicken wire will have to be replaced much sooner but both do work very well.
Good Luck:thumbsup
Electric fence works great WHEN IT WORKS. However, you can expect it to fail sometimes. When it does, animals typically notice pretty quick.

Thus, I would not use electric fencing as your main predator defense. If you wouldn't be comfortable with chickenwire without electric, you probably shouldn't be comfortable with it *with* the electric either.

I would worry, too, about having no hotwires between 18" and 6'. A large dog, maybe even a large grey fox, could most likely lean up or jump up on the fence above the 18" wire and I wouldn't count on it not being able to rip its way in from there without ever encountering the top wire. Even when the electric is working.

Good luck, have fun,

We have chicken wire with electric and it works super for keeping everything out...they have tried but can't find a way in without being hurt bad:weee
We have a wire about 3" from the bottom to keep anything from getting under-unless it's very tiny and about 4" from the top so if they were to get into the middle somehow they can't get over the top or between the fence and the wire.
We have opted not to use the coated wire for a few a coon is going to get thru it just as fast and two we want our wire to disappear in the yard but the trade off is that the chicken wire will have to be replaced much sooner but both do work very well.
Good Luck:thumbsup

How has this set up worked for you? We have a similar set up with our electric fence and we are adding one about 6 feet up as well. I just worry if the electric fence fails, the predators will try and get through the chicken wire. Hardware cloth is so expensive.
I tried ruing electric tape 3" to 4" above ground level, and killed a couple of frogs and toads. NOT something planned! I rely on hardware cloth and 2"x4" woven wire over it, all well secured.
Chicken wire is a waste of money and effort, IMO.
Rats and weasels will get under your electric, and through that chicken wire. Snow over it is a fail, as is a power outage.
Any protection is better than none, that's very true, but spend a bit more and have fewer failures!

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