Chicken with an odd lump on her belly.


Jun 13, 2022
My New Hampshire has this odd lump on her belly.
It's big, but doesn't look red or irritated. It's rock solid and feels a bit like an egg, but it's in the wrong place.
She's active, bright eyed, and still interested in food, but her rear feathers seem a little fluffier than usual.
Do you have any idea what might be wrong with her? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My New Hampshire has this odd lump on her belly.
It's big, but doesn't look red or irritated. It's rock solid and feels a bit like an egg, but it's in the wrong place.
She's active, bright eyed, and still interested in food, but her rear feathers seem a little fluffier than usual.
Do you have any idea what might be wrong with her? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Can you get some photos of the lump?
There are so many things it could be. I've had hens who were laying internally, created huge cheesy masses in their abdomens, a hen who erupted with cancerous tumors under her wing, a hen with a rock hard belly, the cause of which was an egg inside another huge egg that dropped into her abdomen, all sorts of things over the past 19 years. Photos would definitely be good input here, like where exactly is it on her belly, etc.
This video from my YouTube channel shows what can happen inside a hen, but it may be none of those things. I have many more issues with hatchery stock than my good quality breeder stock, hands down.

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Can you get some photos of the lump?
I don't think photos will be much help, because it's not bulging or visible, it can only be felt by palpitation.
She is still acting normal, and roosted last night.
I suspect that what's going on with her might be internal laying.
Do you have any info on how to get rid of this problem?
I don't think photos will be much help, because it's not bulging or visible, it can only be felt by palpitation.
She is still acting normal, and roosted last night.
I suspect that what's going on with her might be internal laying.
Do you have any info on how to get rid of this problem?
If she's acting normal, roosting, eating/drinking, active, then I'd just enjoy her.

If the cause of the lump is internal laying or another reproductive disorder (Tumor, Cancer, Salpingitis, EYP, etc.) you can't get rid of the problem. In time, IF she starts to show some symptoms of not feeling well, lethargy, etc., depending on circumstances, you can certainly offer supportive care and comfort, insuring she's eating/drinking, that parasites (internal/external) are under control, draining fluid (symptom Ascites) IF it's warranted, providing extra vitamins, cushy bedding and attention.

It would be a very good idea to watch the videos that @speckledhen posted, both are very good and educational.
I don't think photos will be much help, because it's not bulging or visible, it can only be felt by palpitation.
She is still acting normal, and roosted last night.
I suspect that what's going on with her might be internal laying.
Do you have any info on how to get rid of this problem?
Sadly, you can do nothing for it. It's genetic/hormone based, no prevention and no cure. I've been there so many times, I've about lost count over the span of 19 years, had advice from PhD's in poultry science as well as veterinarians who know chickens. Those videos I made for educational purposes show things that many never see. Chicken hens are the only animal that develop spontaneous ovarian tumors like human women and are studied for that reason.

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