Chicken with swollen eye


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
My Buff Orpington has a eye that is swollen it is scabed over to how do i treat it
I would start by applying a warm compress to it until you get the scab off and the eye open. Then flush the eye with saline solution. Try and see if there is anything in the eye. Does she have any sort of eye or nose discharge? Or, she could have gotten something in the eye or gotten it pecked. After flushing with saline solution you can put some antibiotic eye ointment in her eye if you have it, if not, regular Neosporin works just as well.

Repeat each day till eye is well.
rinsed the eye with clean water and used neosporin. I will use salt water this morning. Her eye looks like a swollen boil. She seems ok in every other way. She roosted all day and I want to keep her eating and drinking. Thank you for the post
Is the "boil" on the eye itself or in the corner or the lid? It could be an abcess from an injury or sinus infection. Apply warm compresses and see if you can squeeze out the gunk - may require lancing since pus, when abcessed on a chicken, turns into a thick, rubbery/cheesy material that won't squeeze out of a pin prick - must be lanced and dug out. If you could post a picture it would help.
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